请问hear of的用法?假如:Hear of,he have gone to school(请问逗号以后的句子有错误吗?如有请改正)请问hear of是这么用吗?还是必须用在句中?

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/04 09:05:48

请问hear of的用法?
假如:Hear of,he have gone to school(请问逗号以后的句子有错误吗?如有请改正)
请问hear of是这么用吗?还是必须用在句中?

不是,hear of 后面+名词.而且这句话还缺少主语.可以写成
I hear that he has gone to school.

I've never heard of him.

Heard that, he has gone to school
hear of 用在:
Have you ever heard of that?

hear of 通常不是这么用的,sb. hear of sb./sth. 是一般用法
I hear of Lisa that he has gone to school.(我从Lisa那儿听说他已经去学校了)
I hear of the matter.(我知道了这件事)

楼上的 vickilee 错了
hear of 是听说的意思
I hear from Lisa that he has gone to school.(我从Lisa那儿听说他已经去学校了)