Cydia提示更新Essential upgrade,怎么办?Cydia提示更新Essential upgrade有6个我选了upgrade Essential(基础更新),提示是两个:Cydia installerUIKit Tools应该是针对这次的解锁.但是不知道更新的话会不会有问

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/28 20:16:41

Cydia提示更新Essential upgrade,怎么办?
Cydia提示更新Essential upgrade有6个我选了upgrade Essential(基础更新),提示是两个:Cydia installerUIKit Tools应该是针对这次的解锁.但是不知道更新的话会不会有问题啊?尤其在这个非常时期,再加上我的机子是准3.13(3.13固件+5.11基带).大家有知道的吗?

选complete upgrade好像都会time out的,不行的

Cydia提示更新Essential upgrade,怎么办?Cydia提示更新Essential upgrade有6个我选了upgrade Essential(基础更新),提示是两个:Cydia installerUIKit Tools应该是针对这次的解锁.但是不知道更新的话会不会有问 essential essential essential essential essential essential 3 Essential Upgrade 今天跳出的更新,不知道能不能更新 1 Essential Upgrade One or more essential packages are currently out of date.if these upgrades are not performed you are likely to encounter errors.upgrade essential complete upgrade 英语翻译一打开就提示更新,更新后说无需更新但是还是弹出来更新,就是不给用, cydia是什么、cydia怎么用、cydia添加源 关于cydia的essential upgrade的问题.急在线等 谢谢!我的手机:苹果 iPhone 4问题类型:系统辅助我第一次点最后一个忽略,但是每次打开cydia都会跳出来.到底要不要点前两个呢?点哪一个?会不会有什 苹果cydia是什麼意思 三星more services有什么用,提示更新用不用更新? Cydia提示什么i wasnt able to locate this file 什么this meant you need to manually fix this...Cydia提示什么i wasnt able to locate this file 什么this meant you need to manually fix this package 怎么回事?如何处理? 2 essential upgradesone or more essential packages are currently out of date,if these upgrades are not performed you are likely to encounter errorsupgrade essentialcomplete upgradelgnore temporary我的是touch3代8g,越狱了,出现这个更新我 cydia不能安装东西了,一点安装就提示“I wasn't able to locate file for the app..barrel package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package.” 请问是什么原因啊? fm2010运行不了,提示unable to find some essential data,我用的win7,请高手赐教 手机提示ota升级什么意思?手机系统更新里面有这么个提示,可以升级吗?