语法题:SAT OG中的 improving sentenceThe convenience and availability of watercolor paint (account for its popularity) with amateur artists.括号中的东西需要改进吗?A. 不改变B.account for their popularityC. accounts for its popula

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/02 09:28:43

语法题:SAT OG中的 improving sentence
The convenience and availability of watercolor paint (account for its popularity) with amateur artists.括号中的东西需要改进吗?
A. 不改变
B.account for their popularity
C. accounts for its popularity
D. is why it is popular
E. are a reason for its popularity
答案选A.解释上说,the verb "account" correctly refers back to the plural subject "convenience and availability". 但是,convenience and availability 不是两个不可数名词吗?两个不可数名词放在一起,谓语动词就变复数了吗?那什么情况下,谓语动词才是单数呢?

1.本句的主语是convenience and availability,尽管这两个名词都是不可数名词,但是因为有and来连接了,所以就是复数概念了,谓语动词account for就相应地用复数形式.
2.its在这儿是代替watercolor paint(水彩颜料),因为watercolor paint是单数,所以用its来指代.

你确定答案是这么解释的吗?我个人认为 it 指的是watercolor paint
"convenience and availability"怎么会popular呢