英语作文,你的朋友要来中国旅游,请你以导游的身份介绍某一景点写介绍信,内容:1,景点的历史文化,2,景点的好玩好看之处.开头已给出:Dear Michael,Long time no see

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/02 11:28:11

英语作文,你的朋友要来中国旅游,请你以导游的身份介绍某一景点写介绍信,内容:1,景点的历史文化,2,景点的好玩好看之处.开头已给出:Dear Michael,
Long time no see

关于长城的 自己节选把 the north of China,there lies a 6,700-kilometer-long (4,161-mile-long) ancient wall.Now well-known as the Great Wall of China,it starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in the west and ends at the Shanhaiguan Pass of Hebei Province in the east.As one of the Eight Wonders in the world,the Great Wall of China has become the symbol of the Chinese nation and its culture.
  Lots of beautiful legends and stories about the Great Wall took place following along the construction,and since that time these stories have spread around the country.Those that happened during construction are abundant,such as Meng Jiangnu's story and the legend of the Jiayuguan Pass.Meng Jiangnu's story is the most famous and widely spread of all the legends about the Great Wall.The story happened during the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC).It tells of how Meng Jiangnu's bitter weeping made a section of the Great Wall collapse.Meng Jiangnu's husband Fan Qiliang was caught by federal officials and sent to build the Great Wall.Meng Jiangnu heard nothing from him after his departure,so she set out to look for him.Unfortunately,by the time she reached the great wall,she discovered that her husband had already died.Hearing the bad news,she cried her heart out.Her howl caused the collapse of a part of the Great Wall.This story indicates that the Great Wall is the production of tens of thousands of Chinese commoners.
  Another legend about the Jiayuguan Pass tells of a workman named Yi Kaizhan in the Ming Dynasty (1368BC-1644BC) who was proficient in arithmetic.He calculated that it would need 99,999 bricks to build the Jiayuguan Pass.The supervisor did not believe him and said if they miscalculated by even one brick,then all the workmen would be punished to do hard work for three years.After the completion of the project,one brick was left behind the Xiwong city gate.The supervisor was happy at the sight of the brick and ready to punish them.However Yi Kaizhan said with deliberation that the brick was put there by a supernatural being to fix the wall.A tiny move would cause the collapse of the wall.Therefore the brick was kept there and never moved.It can still be found there today on the tower of the Jiayuguan Pass.
  In addition to the above-mentioned stories about the construction of the Great Wall,there are also plenty of stories about current scenic spots.A famous one is the legend of the Beacon Tower.This story happened during the Western Zhou Dynasty (11th century BC-711 BC).King You had a queen named Bao Si,who was very pretty.King You liked her very much,however Bao Si never smiled.An official gave a suggestion that setting the beacon tower on fire would frighten the King's subjects,and might make the queen smile.King You liked the idea.The subjects were fooled and Bao Si smiled at the sight of the chaos.Later enemies invaded Western Zhou,King You set the beacon tower on fire to ask for help.No subjects came to help because they had been fooled once before.Thus,King Zhou was killed by the enemy and Western Zhou came to an end.
  Beautiful stories and legends about the Great Wall help to keep alive Chinese history and culture.In each dynasty after the building of the Great Wall,many more stories were created and spread.

英语作文,你的朋友要来中国旅游,请你以导游的身份介绍某一景点写介绍信,内容:1,景点的历史文化,2,景点的好玩好看之处.开头已给出:Dear Michael,Long time no see 帮忙写一篇英语作文 50词足够!假如你的外国朋友要来中国旅游,请你告诉他们什么时候来最好,带什么东西和衣服,告诉他们可以去什么地方! 英语写作 假如你是李华.得知你的朋友tom要来中国旅游.写封信表示欢迎并提出有关在中国旅游的建议字数300 急!跪求英语作文! 暑假到了,请你给澳大利亚的一位朋友Jerry写一封信,要他来中国旅游,具体见下英语作文 暑假到了,请你给澳大利亚的一位朋友Jerry写一封信,要他来中国旅游,告诉他:(1)中 英语作文假设你的英国朋友来中国旅游 你建议他骑自行车旅游,介绍一下自行车旅行的好处以及这种旅行方式 如果有外国朋友来了解中国旅游标志的由来,请你作一名导游,你如何介绍呢? 很简单的一个英语作文.改改或者自己写一下.你的朋友要来中国旅游你给他做一个日程安排表.大意如下:欢迎你来中国旅游.我将会带你去参观中国的名胜古迹.第一天我们将会去了天安门广 假如你是中国旅游社的导游,将要带领一批加拿大朋友游览北京.请你用英语写一篇北京游览景点的简要介绍.英语作文,80个词左右 英语作文:假定你是李华了,你的澳大利亚朋友打算十一月份来中国旅游,来信询问有关旅游景点的情.写一封信介绍一种时尚旅游现代化新型农村游景色特点 `1避开城市喧闹,享受田园风光;2 假设你叫李华,你的英国笔友要来中国旅游.请你介绍你的家乡西安.并建议他来西安旅游.要点陕西省会西北重 我是李华,我的朋友peter将来中国旅游.写邀请信,让他来你家乡玩爬山,游泳,跑步,吃海鲜都要写进去.写一篇英语作文,120词左右.谢谢 我是张婧怡,我的朋友tina将来中国旅游.写邀请信,让他来你家乡玩 外国朋友到中国旅游,你能为他介绍一些中国有名的景点吗?(用最高级介绍一下长江黄河高山等景色)是英语作文 英语作文:假如你是王林,你的美国朋友Daniel要来广西艺术学院学习,他想了解学校情况,请你介绍一下发电子邮件! (英语作文)假设你叫张玲.你的英国朋友Andrew下月要来你校学习两个月.他来信请你对他上学期间的交...(英语作文)假设你叫张玲.你的英国朋友Andrew下月要来你校学习两个月.他来信请你对他上 假设你是李华,你的外国朋友琳达要到中国旅游,她写信来请你给她推荐一个旅游景点.请根据以下要求,用英语写一封回信.1.推荐她去参观最负盛名的苏州园林——拙政园2.拙政园设计独特,风景 求英语作文 急 ! 假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Nancy要来你校任教,请你帮她找一住房假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Nancy要来你校任教,请你帮她找一住房 请你参照以下信息,写封信向她介绍住房情 你想要来中国旅游吗?.用英语怎么说?