觉得部分题目答案不是唯一的请给出每一题的解释答对最多者追加分数没有人回答正确过半者或无相关解释即关闭问题124._____________ is known to everyone ,the moon travels round the earth once a month.A.which

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/05 04:45:11

124._____________ is known to everyone ,the moon travels round the earth once a month.
A.which B.what C.that D.as
114.He must be from Africa,_________ can be seen from his skin and teeth.
A.that B.where C.what D.as
99.Bob was informed to come as soon as he ___________ his work.
A.finished B.finish
C.would finish D.finishes
72.It felt good to make my own decisions and see those decisions ___________ to be wise ones.
A.turn up B.turn on C.turn for D.turn out
40.Those who have developed hobbies never need to worry about __________ their free time.
a.how to do with b.what to do with
c.how to do d.what to deal with
38.At the meeting organized by the Trade Unions the workers all demanded that effective measures __________ to improve their working conditions.
a.would have to be taken b.would be taken
c.be taken d.were about to be taken
37.It was in West Lake __________ she met Jackson for the first time,who later became her husband and who saved a drowning child on that very occasion.
a.where b.that c.which d.when
6.He asked her so many times to do it that __________ she did so.D
a.on end b.by the end
c.to the end d.in the end
1.This weekend’s talks between the two leaders have __________ a peace agreement to be reached.
a.taken the advantage over b.set the stage for
c.focused on d.made the progress
标准答案上99和40的答案(D和C)和两位不一致,当然,我的答案和两位一致 -_,-
我想知道为什么第6题不可以选择by the end,直到最后这个选项.

99.A 一般过去时代替过去将来时.因为是时间状语从句.
72.D.turn out (to be)...结果是,被证明是.
40.B.这个空有两种填法 what to do with 和how to deal with.因为do要用what做宾语,而deal不需要,故搭配如此.
38.C.因为demand的宾语从句要虚拟,即(should +)do/be 形式,而should 可以省.
37.B 这是强调句型.如果 in West Lake 中没有这个in的话,选A,构成定语从句.(注意:强调句型基本结构IT IS /WAS ...THAT 去掉后,句子仍然完整.
1.B 为...提供了良好的平台/基础

觉得部分题目答案不是唯一的请给出每一题的解释答对最多者追加分数没有人回答正确过半者或无相关解释即关闭问题124._____________ is known to everyone ,the moon travels round the earth once a month.A.which 概率统计题目:请给出正确的答案, 海里的每一滴水都不是多余的文章答案 有懂高数的高人没 有题目请教请高手给出答案就可以谢谢了 问道科学画图题上面的为题目,下面的为答案,我觉得是错的请具体说明 同时掷两枚筛子,至少一枚是奇数的概率为什么不是11/12请给出详细的分析,我的答案是错误的,请给出正确的答案 是2不是0?我们的答案不唯一, 新概念英语第二册上每一课书题目旁边的问题的答案如题 想要知道几课的正确答案27 31 37 40 45 53 63 68 76 92不是练习题的答案...是内个问题... 请给出这两道题的答案,最好能给出解释, 数学书上每一题的答案 英语翻译请给出准确的答案. 英语翻译请给出正确的答案 英语四级听力专项练习题按照每一部分训练的题目,就像第一部分,只有八个小题目 初一生物基训38页探究拓展每一题的答案请标序号 给出你所有看得清的题目的答案 请问是不是我觉得老婆很重要的意思?不是的话请说其他答案. 求数列分组求和的例题请直接给出题目和答案,本人做后根据根据题目典型程度和题目质量追加悬赏. 作为地球儿女,你觉得该怎样珍惜每一滴水呢?请提出切实可行的做法: