
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/27 17:45:19


After reading the news , I was worried about her seriously just now. at the same time , I have great admiration for Ms Jiang, ,The reason is that it's known that now it is seldom to see someone who like Ms Jiang , for most of the people would give in to the robbers to save their lives , which are praiseworthy . However ,I also made a deep breath for her , but fortunately , the robber she met isn't so cruel to her , on the contrary , he was persuaded by her , which made her scared ,"In spite of the fear , I just worried about my bag , when it was rubbered . "
  Most of the time, when we confront problems , we will take action unconsiciously , they are happened before thinking . If make decisions after thinking , maybe they will be so different . I' m in the thought that now the rob's increasement is for the reason that the robbers take advantage of the people's fear feeling .Take the rob above for example , the robber is also under the fearless of Ms Jiang ,if not , it's impossible for Ms Jiang to win the struggle ,because the robber is young and strong . however , the robber is robber , if the last straw in his mind is bread up , he would lose the ability to resist, what he could do is to surrender.
  As a matter of fact , while the Ms was protecting her property , was she helping the only 21 years old robber and the society ? Have a try to think , if the Ms's fear led to the robber's success, then he would feel that it's easy for him to rob . if so , he will go on under the road, as a result , there is more than a hidden danger to the society , and more and more victims .
  To be more scared ,is that if the robber is a real fierece one , then the consequence will be out of thinking .

英语翻译看了这个新闻,不由得在佩服蒋女士的同时,也真的为她捏了一把冷汗.佩服她的是,当今社会能像她这样做的人已经少的可以说是见不到了,大多数人都会屈服与歹徒,毕竟生命诚可贵.但 今易安是位女士啦.佩服佩服. 英语翻译今天看新闻出现了Les Homo sapiens 这个单词 可是字典查不到 两个呆连一起的“呆呆”是什么字?在MOP上看新闻,遇到了“呆呆”这个字,怎么读? 英语翻译女士们,先生们,早上好!这里是cctv,欢迎大家收看下面请大家看一则新闻报导继水稻之父 袁隆平之后,民间又出现了一位 肉猪之父,此人用转基因技术用普通的猪和野猪成功培育出了一 下列句子刻画了女娲怎样的形象 女娲看着她亲手创造的这个聪明美丽的生物...不由得满心欢喜,眉开眼笑 女娲看着她亲手创造的这个聪明美丽的生物……不由得满心欢喜,眉开眼笑.用了什么 描写方法? 今天看新闻了吗? 英语翻译:在侯车点等通勤车看手机新闻,等我回过神时,其它同事都已经上车了,通勤也走掉了. 早饭后,他看早间新闻 英语翻译 用一般现在时翻译句子:布莱克女士在看汤姆放风筝 英语翻译语境是这样的 一个女士在看报纸 一个小孩不停的跟他说话 女士对小孩说 will you excuse me im tying to read.will you excuse me在这等于 excuse me 么 这个谚语和歇后语都怎么填?急.看了台上小红精彩的表演,我不由得想起了这样的话“( )”.(写一句谚语)下一个就该我表演了,此时此刻,我的心里真是“( ).(填一句歇后语) 广东湛江新闻,湛江日报新闻在哪看 那个在我前面的女士喜欢周六看电影英语翻译 女士们先生们英语翻译 今天你看新闻了吗. 紫藤萝瀑布阅读答案 1.”我不由得加快了脚步“,”不由得”包含了怎样的含义?2.‘紫色的大条幅上,泛着点银光,就像迸(bèng)溅的水花.仔细看时,才知道那时每一朵紫花中最浅淡的部分,在和阳