Let's not wait any longer,he might not_______at all.turn over turn up turn on turn down

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/02 04:11:18

Let's not wait any longer,he might not_______at all.
turn over
turn up
turn on
turn down

turn up 出现/到来

turn up有表出现,降临的意思

turn on

turn up 露面,出现

turn up

Turn up. 出现、露面,来到。
turn up:露面; 来到: We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7.30, but he failed to turn up. 我们约定7点30分在电影院见面, 但他没来.
turn(sth/sb) over:(使某人[某物])翻身或翻转: She turned over and went to sl...


Turn up. 出现、露面,来到。
turn up:露面; 来到: We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7.30, but he failed to turn up. 我们约定7点30分在电影院见面, 但他没来.
turn(sth/sb) over:(使某人[某物])翻身或翻转: She turned over and went to sleep. 她转过身就睡着了. * The car skidded, turned over and burst into flames. 那汽车一打滑, 翻倒後起火了.
turn down: 调节(炉具﹑ 收音机等)使热度﹑ 音量等降低
turn on sb: 突然出其不意地攻击某人: His normally placid dog turned on him and bit him in the leg. 他那条狗平日很温顺, 这次突然发作咬了他的腿.
turn on sth/doing sth: 依某事物而定: The success of a picnic usually turns on the weather. 参加野餐是否尽兴, 通常要看天气好坏。
turn sth on : 扭开(烤箱﹑ 收音机等)。
