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泰国之行酒店篇3 在普吉普吉的这段经历都有些不愉快了!话说那次的航班是我全程最喜欢的一班:泰航年轻版~带着愉悦的心情下了飞机~一看这出租车的价位吓了一跳!统一价八百泰铢,为了省点我强烈要求坐跟taxi放在统一招牌上的mini bus两个人三百泰铢,谁知道痛苦的经历就因为省钱发生了!环境:这家店的环境是这次泰国之行中最一般的一家~也就因为这家连门面都在深巷里间接得导致了我们被骗!MINI BUS的司机我们再三跟他确认是不是认识我们的酒店,他也再三肯定自己认识...我们是整车最后一个被放下的,放着一条弄堂口,然后跟我们说走到里面就是了~我们竟然下车还给了小费~NND逼我爆粗话,我们在里面来回走了两回都没有酒店!一个好心的餐厅老板问我们要帮忙否并告诉我们酒店离这边还有挺远的距离,无奈我们拖着大箱子只能再坐着双条车过去,当时就看见两个头顶乌云的人拖着大箱子走进了the sea patong...服务:非常好~有个股牙的妹妹超级可爱,人非常NICE喔!还有个中文讲得出乎我意料好的泰国哥哥让他们对中国人的服务更加完美~我们在他们家只是过渡一下为了第二天去PP岛,LG怕我下飞机直接过PP会太累~为了更省心我们把我们的那个最大号的箱子寄存在他们家整整三天!完全没有收任何的费用,回普吉的那天还帮我叫了出租车去机场,对了,他们小堂(因为没有大堂)桌上放了好甜的龙眼免费吃,哈哈~房间:300多人民币/晚我们被安排在一楼的房间有些潮湿,他们家的房子看上去之前应该不是做酒店的~房间很大但看似太空了些,有些过冷硬了,加上到了酒店普吉就开始下雨更加冷冰冰了~淋浴和马桶是分开的,长条形的房间简单得放着床和沙发,直接看照片吧,仍旧有WIFI,但是很慢~那次不愉快的经历直接影响了我们对普吉的印象!应该不太会再去了~

THE SEA PATONG HOTEL怎么样 The hotel is ideally situated near the sea-front. I am staying at a hotel by the sea in the town.怎么翻译? We used to stay in a hotel by the sea on family holidays对in a hotel by the sea提问( )( )you used to stay on family holidays We used to stay in a hotel by the sea on family holidays对in a hotel by the sea提问( )( )you used to stay on family holidays PATONG SEAFOOD RESTAURANT怎么样 sea 和at the sea everyday the one-day boat trip starts at 11a.m.from the pier at a luxury hotel near turgutreis,turkey,on the aegean sea.4135 We ______ in the hotel near the sea when we visited the ctiy.A.stayed B.lived C.remained D.stopped 英语短文改错,改十处,I'm now on holiday at the Coastal Hotel ,which is a nice hotel by the seaside.On the yard there's a big swimming pools.From the hotel windows you can see the sea.The Coastal Hotel offered good food and owns a nice bar,eit in the hotel 还是at the hotel 105309:located in the front of the mountains,hotel access to many tourist attractions faces and sea,so just a ten minutes' walk from mountains and sea.想知道的语言点:1—hotel access to many tourist attractions faces and sea:怎么翻译? in the sea还是on the sea near the sea 还是by the sea PATONG ROSE GUEST HOUSE怎么样 冠词用法I don't usually like staying at hotels,but last su mmer I spent a few days at a very nice hotel by_ __ sea请问这里的Sea为什么是特指用the? THE EMPIRE HOTEL怎么样 THE CALETA HOTEL怎么样