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先说,我还没读这本书…… 感觉摘要有点像Jobs的自传了…… 简单来说,创新和智力水平不同,创新能力有比较大的一部分来自于后天的培养(超过一半,有2/3),智力(IQ)则先天决定了80% (都是实验数据,用来定性其实都不太靠谱) 这也就解释了为什么中国日本韩国阿拉伯之类的国家创新要少一些(即社会环境对于创新的影响),集体大于个人,等级高于能力的环境影响.当然我想,要说得严格一些的话,就是宏观概率,创新并不是你一个人会不会做出苹果,微软,而是一个社会大环境下的统计规律 5个创新技能: Associational thinking : 联想,最典型的就是学科交叉,比如the Medici effect. 下面的是具体的帮助联想的技能 Questioning: 提问.比如像Jobs问"Why does a computer need a fan?" "If we tried this, what would happen?" 通过提问能够更好的了解这些东西现在,到底怎么样,为什么会这样,可以怎样改变.因为也就能够产生新的想法 Observing: jobs看到Xerox PARC就想到了Macintosh的操作系统,鼠标,还有现在苹果的OSX操作系统 Networking: 非常主动地和不同的人交流,这样能够获取很多新的想法.比如Jobs是和一个苹果的员工聊天以后,去找到了Light & Magic,也就是后来的皮克斯 Experimenting. 追求不同的体验,实验不同的想法.比如旅行啊什么的,比如Jobs……太无聊了…… 另外是来自economist的评论: 这个就写得好多了

THE INNOVATORS DNA怎么样 THE INNOVATORS DILEMMA怎么样 英语翻译One of the great innovators ofour time has passed on.He was famous for bringing revolutionary new technology to the masses.怎么翻译? approach The prime difference between innovators and others is one of approach.Everybody gets ideas,but innovators work consciously on theirs,and they follow them through until they prove practicalbe or otherwise.yis8700 我手里也有字典approach one of 在句子中充当什么成分?为什么要加one of The prime difference between innovators and others is one of approach. 英语翻译Fred Turner's fascinating From Counterculture to Cyberculture gives us a detailed look at one slice through this marvelous story.Unlike many other histories that focus on the technical innovators--the Vin Cerfs,the Tim Berners-Lees,the Al 【英译中】andy老师进Brent Jones + The TP Mobb are back,and back with a vengeance with their sophomore project.The Southern California aggregation's first release was successful in showing themselves to be innovators rather than duplicators.Wi 紧急!One in which 到底是什么.A“Creative Economy” is one in which innovators are the leading actors in the economic drama.5555.语法没学好啊,大家帮我翻译翻译这句话是什么意思.THX! dna怎么排成字母 DNA怎么合成RNA? 怎么做dna测定 怎么鉴定DNA? DNA汉语怎么翻译 DNA怎么通过细胞膜 怎么鉴定DNA? DNA怎么开通 DNA连接酶怎么分类 dna怎么开通?