
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/08 02:25:19


副词起修饰动词,形容词,另一个副词或全句的作用,并表示时间,地点,程度等. 副词做 定语 的时候放在中心词后.e.g.the life here ,the host upstairs . 做 表语 放在系动词后.e.g.It's hot here in fall. The silk feels soft . I must be off now. Is the fire out ? 做 补语 时候,若作宾补,在宾语后.e.g.Let me show you out . 作主补,在主语后.e.g.She was shown out bu a guide. 做状语时候,【1】地点、时间和方式副词一般放在句末.句中同时有时间和地点时,其原则:先地点后时间,小在前大在后.强调时可置句首.e.g.Everyone began to shout very loudly .He'll leave for Xi'an at 7 tomorrow . Slowly ,she said,"Let me see again." 【2】频度副词放在be动词、情态动词及第一个助动词之后,行为动词之前.He is often late for school.You must always wait in a queue.We quite agree with you. 【3】副词修饰形容词或另一个副词时,通常放在所修饰的词之前,只有enough例外.Li Yang speaks English pretty well .She is old enough to go to school.