免费人工翻译 英译中 求助 在线等Data from this study are drawn from 170 mother–adoles-cent pairs who are part of a larger intensive mixed methods study concerning contextual influences on early adoles-cents’ well-being and achievemen

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/04 21:31:28

免费人工翻译 英译中 求助 在线等
Data from this study are drawn from 170 mother–adoles-cent pairs who are part of a larger intensive mixed methods study concerning contextual influences on early adoles-cents’ well-being and achievement during middle school. Although the full sample consists of 254 mother–adoles-cent pairs, we focus in this paper on youth who were of Black (n = 62), Latino ( n = 50) and Chinese ( n = 58) descent.We excluded 76 families who were of European descent from the analyses because sample sizes were not large enough for within-group analyses, and there is little basis in the literature for combining European American with ethnic minority youth, especially when exploring issues related to ethnicity and race. Also excluded were eight families in which the adolescent skipped survey questions pertaining to their ethnic-racial identity.
