6.Rousseau's short discourse,a work that was generally ---the cautious,unadorned prose of the day,deviated from that prose style in its ---discussion of the physical sciences.(A) critical of ..lengthy(B) superior to ..austere(C) bolder than ..intelli

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/07 11:31:38

6.Rousseau's short discourse,a work that was generally ---the cautious,unadorned prose of the day,deviated from that prose style in its ---discussion of the physical sciences.
(A) critical of ..lengthy
(B) superior to ..austere
(C) bolder than ..intelligent
(D) consistent with ..unrestrained
(E) influenced by ..uninspired

关系很简单,逻辑取反,线索是deviated from.
9 }3 S3 u3 y6 N% R+ P空格2包含分句中的deviated from(偏离,背离;违背)提示其前后内容相反,中心词相同,均是prose,好办,空格1包含分句中有cautious,unadorned两个线索,逻辑关系如下:/ p.t9 w- H/ b' G
符合(正)the cautious,unadorned prose of the day,deviated from that prose style in its 大胆、随意或繁琐(即取cautious或unadorned的反义词)discussion of the physical sciences;
$ G( k) Z,R/ v:D违反(反)the cautious,unadorned prose of the day,deviated from that prose style in its 小心或朴素(即取cautious或unadorned的同义词)discussion of the physical sciences& c7 ^3 z8 N+ N V
& G,l8 4 e- ^- p; a( c7 KA的critical of,批判有反的意思,但是可惜lengthy与cautious或者unadorned都不是同义词;
/ V8 r& q0 ^; c" N& D ]; iD的空格1表示“符合”,空格unrestrained(不受束缚的,自由的)恰好是cautious的反义词,就选这个;
# `.c,9 V8 / TE的空格1表示“受…影响”,也有一脉相承,符合的意味,但是uninspired(死气沉沉的,没有生气的)并不是cautious或者unadorned的任何一个的反义词,排除!Y6 Y" x3 Y- F7 m/ k!`
( E!\- A:e7 x:X.R0 q9 |


A cautious, unadorned 严谨朴实的---deviated from 偏离----lengthy冗长的

所以我判断是选择A。第三个问题中,a second time 意思是指的再一次,又第一题和第三题我同意上一楼说的、 而第二题应该是这样的、第一个空