1._cc_p_tion _____ 2._ng_l _______(意思及填空)

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1._cc_p_tion _____ 2._ng_l _______(意思及填空)

acception 接受 angel 天使

occupation职业 angel天使

acception 接受 angel 天使

1._cc_p_tion _____ 2._ng_l _______(意思及填空) 同类词查找1.country _____ _____ _____2.insect _____ _____ _____3.animal _____ _____ _____4.ball _____ _____ _____5.language _____ _____ _____ 散步用英语怎么说1._____ _____2.____ _____ a _____3._____ _____ _____ a _____ 我想你 藏头诗格式1:你_____知_____道_____我_____想_____你_____了_____格式2:我_____想_____你_____想_____了_____很_____久_____ 1.用两种英语方法表达下面的时间 (1)7:30_____ ______ (2) 1:58 ______ _____ (3)9:45_____ _____(4)5:29_____ _____(5)8:15 ______ ______ 1.用两种英语方法表达下面的时间 (1)7:30_____ ______ (2) 1:58 ______ _____ (3)9:45_____ _____(4)5:29_____ _____(5)8:15 ______ ______ 1.根据汉语意思完成句子.(1)She is ________________________________ next Monday.(离开意大利去夏威夷)(2)_____ (旅游者) should _____ thrie ID cards _____ _____.(随身携带) 英语动词形式填空1.A:Look at the children.What _____ they _____(do)?B:They _____(sing) and _____(dance).A:Listen!What song _____ they _____ (sing)?B:They _____(sing)a Russian song.2A:_____ you _____(go) fishing two hours ago?B:No,I ______.A:__ 环境描写的作用《芦花荡》预习卷知识点填空:1.三要素:_____、_____、_____.2.刻画人物的方法:_____、_____、_____、_____、_____.3.环境描写的作用:_____、_____、_____、_____.答得好有高加分 写词语(四个字)或句子1.现场气氛:_____ _____ _____ _____ 2.比赛情况:_____ _____ _____ _____ 3.终于胜利:_____ _____ _____ _____ 4.对中国女排的赞叹:____________________________5.对俄罗斯女排的安慰:___________________ 1.有理数的混合运算顺序是:(1)·先算_____,再算_____,最后算_____; (2)·同级运算,从_____进行; (3)·如有括号,先算_____内的运算,按_____,_____,_____依次进行. 1.有理数的混合运算顺序是:(1)·先算_____,再算_____,最后算_____;(2)·同级运算,从_____进行;(3)·如有括号,先算_____内的运算,按_____,_____,_____依次进行. 写2个同类词 1.Go _____ ____ 2.Sister _____ ______写2个同类词1.Go _____ ____2.Sister _____ ______3.Happy _____ ______4.Hair ______ ______5.Green ______ ______ 英语翻译2、明天早晨,我们必须早起 :We _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ eraly tomorrow morning %>_____ _____, 八年级上册英语同义句转换1.Lesson 3 is not as easy as lesson 2Lesson 3 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____.2.We go to the park by us.We go to the park _____ _____ _____3.We didn't have the sports meeting because it rained heavilyWe didn't have t 1.肥皂剧令人厌烦.Soap operas _____ _____.2.Sarah read the story last night.(对划线部分last night提问) _____ _____ Sarah _____ the story?3.短语:(1)一位12岁的女孩_____ (2)就某事询问某人_____