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Prehistoric Cultures in North America
North American continent stage of the indigenous culture of primitive society. Some from the Pleistocene era to the late 15th century. Distributed in the United States, Canada and Greenland, the vast region. In this region due to different natural conditions and divided into the Arctic, sub-Arctic, the eastern forest areas, the Great Plains, the Basin, northwest coast of California and southwestern areas. Its residents is now the North American Indians and Eskimos of the ancestors. North American prehistoric culture of self, but the slower, remains primitive society stage. Europeans came to the American continent from the beginning until the 1960s, after several hundred years of continuous exploration, have a basic understanding of the prehistoric culture of the North American landscape.
According to archaeological and anthropological research, the ancient residents of North America from Asia through the Bering Strait land bridge migration of the past. North American prehistoric culture can be divided into two major Paleolithic and Neolithic period. The first phase of the Neolithic Age said before the ancient stage, the early Neolithic Age, in about 8000 BC to 5000 before the second stage that developed the ancient stage, before about 5000 to 2000 before the third stage For the agricultural stage, which developed the Neolithic period, beginning in the pre-2000, has entered the historical era of the late, in fact does not belong to the prehistoric range.
Prehistoric culture and characteristics of the District of prehistoric culture in North America Paleolithic to be in the type of show their identity (see). Into the Neolithic period, the eastern part of ancient cultural traditions (before 5000-before 2000), Wu Delan region (eastern forest areas) as the center and extends to Canada and the plain areas. Its residents have seasonal village life. Early hunting and gathering to survive, the use of stone for the guns, throwing rods and polished stone axes and appear before the latter part of agriculture and pottery. The western region of the desert culture of the early (before the pre-8000 ~ 7000) to the northwest coastal mountains and down the Rocky Mountain Center for Inter, expansion and Mexico - Texas, the Northeast region, the Southern California area, initially to collect wild plants and hunting for small animals Health, the use of stone for the gun, excavation rods, Mopan and basket. About the former 3200 to 2200 before beginning a settlement of agricultural life, for the southwestern region of agriculture in North America laid the foundation for the development.
About the former No. 8 Millennium, by the middle of Cochise culture in the southwestern desert region following the culture of the sky, the Sulphur Springs period (7500 to the former before 5000), Ki, kava period (5000 to the former before 2000) And the San Pedro period (2000 to the year before 100) 3 of development, has gradually settled agriculture, since the former No. 4 from the Millennium planting corn, mainly stone tools, ornaments late start using coarse pottery swirl profile, and there Xiangjin of the jewellery.
The main stage of the agricultural areas of agriculture and cultural stage, the emergence of different types of culture, the North American southwest, the eastern plains region and the agricultural economy developed, but in the northwest and polar still fishing and hunting and gathering economy. In addition to Wu Delan eastern areas have developed, and the southwest region, and, there are a number of important areas of culture:
① NT prehistoric culture. This culture originated from ancient system Cordillera culture, the continuation of the previous 1000 to historical period. Its economic and cultural characteristics of fishing is mainly to capture Damahayu, Haishou, shellfish and birds. The use of polished stone, and wood Guqi. Longer than stone carving techniques. The rivers in the Northwest culture (1000 to 1250 AD) germination in the Columbia River and the Fraser River valley area of the desert culture of integration and德尼塔西罗from cultural factors. The culture of the residents mainly engaged in fishing and hunting and gathering, the settlement of the village's life, or living Dexue of the stilt houses built from the ground. Village Branch, a public cemetery, there cremation practices.
② California prehistoric culture. To fishing and hunting and gathering based economy. Can be divided into three: Early in 5000 to the former before 2000, a stone artifacts typical of the triangle at the end of Zu Au winged, sharp-like, phyllodes shaver, daggers, Scraping, hammer and shell, bone products. Mid-2000 to the Year the past 250 years, the stone tools are the spearhead leaf shape, bone-side with the fish dart Daogou, needles and cones, ornaments with stone, shell-Central, extensive use of stone containers legacy, Acetabulum, and so on. Advanced from 250 to historical period, the main use of stone bowl, basin, the eastern and southern areas of the southwestern region by the North American cultural impact the use of pottery, stone tools with jagged edge of the triangle Zu, a sharp-and shell hooks, decorations Most of stone, shell, bone beads and Erzhui. The period are buried-flexor limb, the tree early Fenshang round Cairns, advanced to the graves are often caught fire. In the late Kanalinuo ruins found in the site for the round, four to seven meters in diameter, a middle Huotang, villages nearby public cemetery.
③ plain areas prehistoric culture. This cultural system by the ancient culture and the cultural traditions Wu Delan developed from its final stage is plain Village Culture (1000 ~ 1500), distributed in the culture to the central Missouri, as the center of the vast number of grassland areas. In Texas found that the representation of cultural sites, in Milliken and Pablo斯莫基希尔. Residents have settled life of agriculture, planting corn, squash, beans and other crops. Stone tools have the disc, polished bar, triangular Zu, a sharp-shaped, and bone-Scraping the hook, Harpoon and hoe. Civil structure of the rectangular living cottages, small villages and a population of about 50 to 100 people. Pottery for more than bottles and cans, quality crude, decorated with rough Jomon and is zoned profiling, in the southern Dakota exquisite pottery, decorated Mr Qu Wen, accompanied by animal portrait grip. Tao pipe generally, for presentation of the elbow-shaped and decorated with portraits. Yang Shen straight limb buried in the funeral and burial second parallel, remains under house or Jiaoxue, as tools, utensils and pottery Suizang. Historical period of Blackfoot, Cheyenne and Mandan, and so that the descendants of Indian communities.
④ large basin region prehistoric culture. The system originated from ancient culture of the Cordillera culture, and integration of the desert culture of a number of factors, mainly distributed in Nevada and Utah, in California, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming and other states have found that in about Before the year 8000 to 900 years. Many found in the caves, of which the dangerous cave to cave and Lovelock typical. Dangerous cave in Nevada, Utah and at the junction, elevation 1,400 meters, in the past about the Year 8000 to the early years. Apart from remains of stone polished bar, disc, a number of bones, wooden tools, but also involves the weaving and basket, tools to show that hunting and fishing collection was mainly economic. Lovelock caves in the past about the Year 2000 to the early years. Early artifacts to the basket weaving, mainly containers, but also with a sharp stone, Toba and fur blankets, mussels cone; mid-pipe and a wooden beaded; to the late, bow and arrow as a major weapons, wooden pins and hooks , Stone carving, and so on.
⑤ the Arctic and sub-Arctic region of prehistoric culture. Arctic region of prehistoric culture. Sub-Arctic area (or the Arctic) is the principal residents of the ancient Indians, the prehistoric culture of two: a small stone is the Northwest De Nita Xi Luo cultural traditions and cultural traditions. The former originated in 6000 about the former. Distributed in Alaska, the Yukon River Basin in northwest and southwest of the Canadian forest area to hunt deer, Mi, bison and other living. Typical is a small stone tools Shidao small, large double-edged sword, the sharp-Caokou and spearhead. Some advocates of this culture come from Asia in the Stone Age, the ancient local culture and cultural traditions. De Nita Xi Luo cultural traditions of the former successor to the former in 2000 before the sky, hunting and fishing collection to the main economic, small stone disappeared, a polished stone, bone, the angle of the weapons and tools to increase production to bark containers and Parts of copper to manufacture. Another is阿塔帕斯卡cultural traditions.阿塔帕斯卡is one of the ancient Indians, their culture began in 4000 before the before and after the succession of ancient cultural traditions of the North, located in the hinterland of Alaska, Canada hinterland to Hudson Bay area, there have always been the history of the times. The remains of a stone-shaped with a pointed collar, Scraping, bone, the angle of the system, such as Daogou Harpoon.阿塔帕斯卡cultural development of that process: After a long life of ancient Indians have adapted to the Arctic region of the natural environment, and created a distinctive culture.

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