
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/30 08:28:57


And when荷默abandon her,she could no longer cope with its impact,has become so desperate to poison the mind of negative lover.干尸embracing her night and sleep with,live chilling life.For thousands of years in the vast history of humanity,because men are always in possession of absolute economic dominance,the human culture,history,laws and practices are based on male-oriented for the benefit of men drawn up.In this cultural atmosphere,a subsidiary of men to women.The male line of these centers as the starting point of the norms,ignoring the woman's normal psychological and physiological needs,the purpose of enslaving women to achieve the purpose of the rule of women.Emily's tragedy is in the depths of her soul inherent in Southern society,"we闺秀" concept with the traditional views on women and women as a contradiction between the natural instinct.As a woman,she must love a person,must be love,she has a woman's normal sexual psychology,sexual demands.However,as "we闺秀" few desires,she must be able,to follow the Southern aristocracy specific ethical standards,protect their family status and noble demeanor and elegant,which,she missed the beautiful adolescent,to suppress their normal desire,but also missed the normal process of socialization."Because of their socialization process of interruption,the growth of Emily in terms of psychological and behavioral state are malformations were.She could not establish their own normal personality,unable to put the relationship between themselves and the community." In short,in the "Southern lady" the shackles of traditional ideas,the concept of love Emily did not receive the normal development.These are the tragic fate of her foreshadowing buried.

英语翻译而当荷默将她抛弃,她再也无法承受打击,变得绝望以致毒死了负心的恋人.她每夜与干尸相拥而眠,过着令人毛骨悚然的生活.在几千年的人类历史的长河里,由于男人在经济上总是占有 英语翻译武则天为了社稷,为了江山,她的青春一去不复返,身为君主,她必须抛弃个人的儿女情长,她亲手结束了两个儿子的生命,她承受着整个大唐无法承载的悲哀.但是,她的努力终于换来了大 英语翻译 :她再也不害怕坐飞机了. 当她下楼后 英语翻译 她再也不怕狗了的英文 她今天刚来上班当她休假完,英语翻译? 当我看见她,我将告诉她这件事 英语翻译 英语翻译:她为她那好的容貌而自负. 英语翻译我崇拜《简爱》中的简爱,她从小失去父母,寄住在舅妈家,不平等的待遇让她饱受欺凌,小小年纪就承受了别人无法想象的委屈和痛苦.成年后,她成了桑菲尔德贵族庄园的家庭教师,她以 当她累了的时候 英语翻译 英语翻译还有几句:科学将引领并将毁灭这个世界.让我们重温经典吧她还太小无法承受如此巨大的打击英语好的请翻译,没把握的就不要了~我要准确的,当例句背的~ 在她的家乡,由于地震使她无法上学(用英语翻译) pull back on the carbs and try again in two 这句话来自于绝望主妇六的第二集,当GB说她的侄女不可能从藤架上爬下来(因为她自己试过了藤架无法承受重量)她侄女是这么回她的,主要是前面看不懂. 当一个女人对你说“我再也不想理你了!我的一个不故意的动作导致她很生气,她对我说“我再也不想理你了”,让我很为难 英语翻译故事讲的是一对夫妻 Susan和mark之间的事情 故事中的妻子 因为一次误诊而失明成为了盲人 而他的丈夫没有抛弃她 反而帮助她从新变得独立自信 你知道吗 课文中有这样一段话 我非 英语翻译故事讲的是一对夫妻 Susan和mark之间的事情 故事中的妻子 因为一次误诊而失明成为了盲人 而他的丈夫没有抛弃她 反而帮助她从新变得独立自信 你知道吗 课文中有这样一段话 我非 Elle souffre trop pour savoir, pour penser.她承受了太多而去知晓,去思考? 英语翻译火焰杯里的两句话:当Ron的妈妈看到Harry和Ron穿上了她给他们准备的晚会礼服时,说:I thought they'd bring out the colour of your eyes.当Ron说再也不穿那衣服的时候,她又说:Goodness knows I could do with