
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/04 10:54:15


朗润 山朗润起来了,水涨起来了,太阳的脸红起来了.
酝酿 莺儿酝酿着自己的美梦,婉转的唱出独特的歌谣.
卖弄 古代有一个人不知天高地厚的到鲁班面前卖弄自己的手艺,后人称为班门弄斧.
婉转 鸟儿婉转动听的唱出独特的歌谣.
嘹亮 红歌会上,我们用最嘹亮的我歌声赞颂伟大的祖国.
黄晕 太阳下山了,西边的黄晕在渐渐消失,不久,天色就暗了.
烘托 这句话起到从侧面烘托的作用.
静默 黑暗的世界里只剩下她一个人在那里静默的哭泣.
舒活 早晨我们应该去锻炼锻炼,以便舒活舒活筋骨.
欣欣然 春天睡醒了,欣欣然睁开了眼睛.
繁花嫩叶 小鸟飞舞着消失在繁花嫩叶中.
呼朋引伴 小明呼朋引伴的上街去了.
抖擞精神 战士们抖擞精神冲进了阵地.
花枝招展 舞会上,这些姑娘一个个都打扮得花枝招展.


I like situaion comedy
There is nothing in my bag
I can not stand the hot weather
She does not mind what others will say
Long long ago,there was a king
I likes culture China very m...


I like situaion comedy
There is nothing in my bag
I can not stand the hot weather
She does not mind what others will say
Long long ago,there was a king
I likes culture China very much
In fact,he is a goodchild
I do not like soap opras
It's a good idea
Do you agree with her? Yes.I do
Li is the host of CCTV 1
I want to buy a new belt
Tom's brother bought a wallet for him
My scarf is very beautiful
