
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/04 12:37:04


In thecontext of globalization and deepening of the economic reforms,the brand hasbecome an important benchmark in evaluating a company or even a national.
Specificto the industry of new building materials,with the increase in the number ofenterprises and the continuous expanding of their scale,the competition amongdomestic enterprises has become more and more intense,meanwhile they also faceserious challenges from foreign brands.Thus the demestic building materialscompanies have to examine their own success and failure in management andcontinuously improve their level of operations.
Thispaper takes Dalian Huilong Building Materials Co.,Ltd.as an example forchecking out possible management issues exsting in this company.And thenaiming at the problem-solving we address some coping strategies for the sake toraise the level of scientific management for building materials enterprise.
Through analysing relevant theories,we present somescientific management model for building materials enterprise with wich helpsthe company to come out on top in the fierce competition in the market.

With the advent of the market economy under the background of economic globalization, brand has become the important standard for measuring an enterprise and even a country. Following the growing numb...


With the advent of the market economy under the background of economic globalization, brand has become the important standard for measuring an enterprise and even a country. Following the growing numbers and expanding scales of building material industry enterprises, the competitions among the domestic new building material traders become more and more fierce. Meanwhile, facing the severe competition test from foreign well-known brand building material enterprises, the Chinese building material companies should re-examine their operation and management and improve their management level. Taking Dalian Huilong Building Materials Co. Ltd. as an example, the article analyzed the problems with the building materials company managements and put forward the strategies for the building material companies to solve their problems, so as to realize their scientific managements. Through the analysis of the relevant scientific theory, the article discovered scientific management modes for building materials companies, which will lead them to win the championship in the fierce market competitions.


我需要语法正确汉译英在经济全球化的大背景下,随着市场经济的来临,品牌也已成为衡量一个企业,乃至一个国家的重要标杆.随着建材行业企业数量的增多及其规模的不断扩张,国内新型建材 经济全球化的对中国的影响我需要一篇演讲文,谈谈在经济全球化背景下,中国需要世界,世界需要中国 英语翻译在经济全球化的的大背景下,我国的经济也在发生着改变. 英语经济全球化背景下的商务英语 在经济全球化的背景下,国家是否有存在的必要性? 在当今经济全球化的背景下怎样看待抵制日货的问题 论述:在经济全球化背景下,我国经济面临的机遇和挑战是什么?论述题. 辨析题在经济全球化的背景下,必须弘扬中华文化 在经济全球化背景下,如何理解马克思主义的阶级斗争学说? 在经济全球化背景下如何表达我们的爱国热情 在经济全球化背景下,你怎样看世界社会主义发展的前景? 英语翻译1.来自美国的金融风暴席卷全球.各国紧急出台相应政策挽救本国经济,力求将危机带来的影响降到最低.2.经济全球化带来危机全球化.3.在经济全球化的大背景之下,面对金融危机,各国 经济全球化的两大发展趋势是什么 一些法律论述题.结合实际,谈谈在经济全球化的条件下,当代大学生应树立怎样的爱国主义观念?.1、在当今经济全球化的背景下,发扬爱国主义精神会不会过时?结合实际,谈谈在经济全球化的条 “在全球化背景下”的英文怎么说? “在全球化背景中”的英文怎么说? 中国在经济全球化的背景下面临怎样的挑战?为此中国采取了哪些具体对策? 下列有关经济全球化的说法正确的是A、经济全球化就是世界各国经济一体化B、经济全球化是社会主义市场经济发展的必然要求C、经济全球化也意味着风险全球化D、经济全球化就是商品和劳