用英文说一段 怎样运输电的字多点就好

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/08 01:04:23

用英文说一段 怎样运输电的

Electric power transmission is the process by which large amounts of electricity produced at power plants,such as industrial-scale solar facilities,is transported over long distances for eventual use by consumers.In North America,electricity is sent from power plants to theNorth American transmission grid,a vast network of electric power lines and associated facilities in the United States,Canada,and Mexico.Due to the large amount of power involved,and the properties of electricity,transmission normally takes place at high voltage (69 kV or above).Electricity is usually shipped to a substation near a populated area.At the substation,the high voltage electricity is converted to lower voltages suitable for consumer use,and then shipped to end users through (relatively) low-voltage electric distribution lines.
For newly constructed solar energy power plants,if no existing suitable transmission facilities were available,new transmission lines and associated facilities would be required.The construction,operation,and decommissioning of high-voltage transmission lines and associated facilities would create a range of environmental impacts.The type and magnitude of the impacts associated with transmission line construction,operation,and decommissioning would vary depending on line type and size,as well as the length of the transmission line,and a variety of other site-specific factors.
The main components of high-voltage electric transmission lines and associated facilities include:
1.Transmission Towers
Transmission towers are the most visible component of the power transmission system.Their function is to keep the high-voltage conductors (power lines) separated from their surroundings and from each other.A variety of tower designs exist that generally employ an open lattice work or a monopole,but generally they are very tall (a 500 kv tower might be 150 feet tall with crossarms as much as 100 feet wide),metal structures.
2.Conductors (Power lines)
Conductors are the power lines that carry the electricity to and through the grid to consumers.Generally,several conductors are strung on a tower for each electrical circuit.Conductors are constructed primarily of twisted metal strands,but newer conductors may incorporate ceramic fibers in a matrix of aluminum for added strength with lighter weight.
The very high voltages used for electric transmission are converted to lower voltages for consumer use atsubstations.Substations vary in size and configuration but may cover several acres; they are cleared of vegetation and typically surfaced with gravel.They are normally fenced,and are reached by a permanent access road.In general,substations include a variety of structures,conductors,fencing,lighting,and other features that result in an "industrial" appearance.
4.Rights of Way (ROWs)
The right of way for a transmission corridor includes land set asidefor the transmission line and associated facilities,needed to facilitate maintenance,and to avoid risk of fires and other accidents.It provides a safety margin between the high-voltage lines and surrounding structures and vegetation.Some vegetation clearing may be needed for safety and/or access reasons.A ROW generally consists of native vegetation or plants selected for favorable growth patterns (slow growth and low mature heights).However,in some cases,access roads constitute a portion of the ROW and provide more convenient access for repair and inspection vehicles.The width of a ROW varies depending on the voltage rating of the line from 50 ft.to approximately 175 ft.or more for 500 kv lines.
5.Access Roads
Access routes to transmission line structures for both line construction and maintenance are normally required,and may be paved or gravel.Vegetation clearing and/or recontouring of land may be required for access road construction.Additional temporary roads may also be needed during the construction and decommissioning phases of a transmission line project.

用英文说一段 怎样运输电的字多点就好 用不必说……也不必说……单是造句是语文书上的最好多点最好多点(是一段的字数多点)越多越好 请问下面这句话翻译成英文怎样说?在运输过程中,它的形状可能被压的有点变形.但是不必担心,用过一会之后,它的形状就会恢复 伤心的一段话,字多点 到处为止、就这样说再见的英文到此为止、就这样说再见用英文怎样讲 用英文说一段爱情的话对男朋友 说一段英文的 爱情话 英语翻译中文多点就好, 说多点西餐礼仪,比如怎样拿叉拿刀的? 人体中二氧化碳的运输教科书上说血红蛋白只能运输一部分的二氧化碳,那其他的二氧化碳是怎样运输的?要易理解的,科学的答得好再+50! 描写炊烟的句子一段话 字多点 怎样管理好工地上的垂直运输升降机 谁有赞美母亲的句子,一段就行谁有赞美母亲的好句子~段落,多点.... 怎样给老外介绍吃火锅的步骤?用英文,简短就好. 运输的英文 请写一段有关描写刀很锋利的句子 多点好词 帮忙写一段英文冼星海的介绍!短一些就好! 用英文介绍自己范文比如喜欢运动什么的,初中水平好了,只是要求长点,比较好懂点,用简单的词,哪未大虾帮我凑篇以来写写爱好就好的,多点句子,凑一篇 英语翻译最好是关于bootloader的,2000个单词左右就行,不过多点更好!本人英语不行,最好是翻译好的,英文资料看不懂啊