
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/01 01:23:53


25-29 ABCBD 30-34 CBDBA 35-39 ACBCB 40 D
41-45 EAJCI 46-49 HDBF
65-68 ACBB 69-71 CCD 72-75 DAAD
76-80 DEBCA
81.That the university arranged roommates for the students.
82.additional school costs and kid’s sharing rooms with “wrong” guys
83.the selection of courses
84.Because it’s meaningless for them to choose their own roommates.
Many students like playing basketball indoors in winter.
Children should be encouraged to play a main role in class activities.
However cold it was,he insisted on going to school on foot despite parents’ objection.
To meet residents’ need,the school is accessible to the public at weekends.
It is no longer a dream to live comfortably without stepping out of the room with a variety of modern purchase methods.

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