求英语词组解释,造句.如put on/off/up,take in/over之类的,30个以上.希望大家尽快答复!我有急用!

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/04 13:23:53

求英语词组解释,造句.如put on/off/up,take in/over之类的,30个以上.

1.be famous/know for(以.而闻名/因.而出名)
Michael Jackson is famous for his dance.杰克逊以他的舞蹈出名.
2.no wonder(难怪) (应该是wonder才对!)
We've not had a new car for years.No wonder,as we've hardly any money.
3.be modelled after(根据,模仿,仿造)
It is modelled after the one made in Japan.这是按日本货仿造的.
4.in advance(提前,预先)
You should book ticket in advance before travel.旅行(出发)前应事先订好机票的.
5.get dose to(接近,靠近)
Get close to it,you can see more clearly.靠近点儿,可以看得更清楚.
6.come to life(活跃起来,苏醒起来)
As spring comes,everything come to life.春天到,万物复苏.
7.be famliar with (对...熟悉)
I'm an English major,so I am familiar with English.我是英语专业的,所以对英文熟悉.
8.learn about(了解,知道,学会)
Take action,you can learn more about it.去做吧,你会了解更多的.
9.no matter+疑问句(无论,不管)
No matter how hard it will be,I'll never give up,不管有多困难,我都不会放弃.
10.be famous/know as(作为(身份)...而出名)
Michael Jackson is konwn as the king of the pop.杰克逊被认为是流行天王.
he is famous for his knowledge.他以他的学识而闻名
no wonder how difficult it is ,i will do it.不管多难我都要做
The algorithm is modelled after formal model这个算法是基于以往模型的.
remember to do things in advance.做事要提前
He is get close to the door.他快进来了
everything comes to life in spring春天万物复苏
I am familiar with you我和你很熟.
I want to learn about Managing我想学管理
no matter how difficult it is ,I will do it
he is famous as a professor.

求英语词组解释,造句.如put on/off/up,take in/over之类的,30个以上.希望大家尽快答复!我有急用! 求英语词组,如put on,put off,put out, put up 我要横向比较的,我是来用来做完形填空我要那种我们都认识的英语单词,如put,但是加了介词就把你搞得稀里糊涂的词组.词组解释详细点越多越好!好加分 英语词组造句impact on 英语词组:put on a performance是什么意思? 四个词组辨析 英语put away put down put up put on put off 求英语词组,如put on,put off,put out,put up 我要横向比较的,我是来用来做完形填空我要那种我们都认识的英语单词,如put,但是加了介词就把你搞得稀里糊涂的词组.越多越好! 用to one's credit造个例句如题,再加翻译.2.put one's hands on 请用英语解释,还有请造句 初中英语常用易混淆词组 如put on put up put out 之类 英语词组翻译:get on ,turn on ,come on ,put on ,go on ,be on . take in /down/over/on/off/up/ to /away 请分别造句,如有其他·类似短语,请写出解释和造句这是我第一次提问,50个以上,希望能有更多的词组,如put on之类的。 用”put on造句 用put on造句 put on 造句 带有put的英语词组例如put on 后加中文, 英语词组造句.be based on 基于谢谢了, put off解释为使扫兴的造句 速求 词组造句征集~put1.put off 脱去 2.put out 熄灭3.put down 武力镇压4.put down 让乘客下车5.put on 穿戴6.put on 上演7.put on 上涨8.put up 建造9.put up 搭起要求:以上词组,每个意思一 句例句,要求生动,有内容, 如何区别英语中的 动-副 词组 和 动-介 词组?如 :pay for是动介词组,而 put on是动副词组?pay for it ,put it on 中it的位置是根据动副词组和动介词组的不同用法来判断的吧?