求英文翻译,谢谢 暂时没有财富值了,新手 但是会追加悬赏的那些 忘不了的,你是怎么忘记的.那些 过不去的,你是怎么过去的.那些 说过的永远,是怎么停下的.我从来不去触碰那些可能会让我上

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/29 03:12:16

求英文翻译,谢谢 暂时没有财富值了,新手 但是会追加悬赏的
那些 忘不了的,你是怎么忘记的.
那些 过不去的,你是怎么过去的.
那些 说过的永远,是怎么停下的.
然后 输了全部.
即使这样 不知后退.

those unforgettable,how did you manage to forget?
things that cannot be conquered,how did you manage to conquer?
the things that are said to last forever,how did they die away?
i never touched anything that are addictive
i hate the feeling of someone residing(nesting) in my heart (两个词你可以二选一)
you are the exception.
lies that have been heard a thousand times
i am willing to listen a thousand and one times more
this is the way some people are,people who bet with their lives
then,lose everything
even then,(they) refuse to step back(stop) (前面那个they可有可无,后面两个词选一个)
最后一句可以是even then,(they) keep going.稍微顺一些的感觉..

Forget, you forget how. Those who make life difficult for you is how in the past. Said forever, is how to stop. I never want to touch that might make me addicted to the stuff. I hate who remain in the hearts of feeling. You are the exception.

How are those memorable, being forgotten by you.
How are those difficult, being over by you.
How are those forever vows, being stopped.
I never dip in things that might addict myself.


How are those memorable, being forgotten by you.
How are those difficult, being over by you.
How are those forever vows, being stopped.
I never dip in things that might addict myself.
I hate the feeling of hiding someone in my heart.
except of thee.
after hearing lies for thousand times,
I wouldn't get hurt for once more.
someone like me, who bet with their lives,
have lost everything,
but still never concede for a step.


求英文翻译,谢谢 暂时没有财富值了,新手 但是会追加悬赏的那些 忘不了的,你是怎么忘记的.那些 过不去的,你是怎么过去的.那些 说过的永远,是怎么停下的.我从来不去触碰那些可能会让我上 夸父追日,女娲补天,精卫填海等神话皆出于哪本书? A《聊斋志异》 B《山海经》 C《水经注》快呀!暂时没有财富值,回答出来了就谢谢了 请问一下,回答没有给分的问题能不能增加财富值,谢谢!我是新手,想问一下,回答了问题没被采纳能不能增加财富值?怎样才能增加财富值? 上周我们说服他买下这房子 翻译成英文谢谢!新手暂时没有分,求教~ 数学题,求过程,我没有财富值了,不要介意,谢谢! 中国梦是国家梦还是个人梦,大学生辩论赛 ,我是反方(个人梦)三遍,求问的问题.暂时没有财富值了 我一定会好好报答的.今晚就辩了. 各位推荐几部宇宙、星空、星系有关的电影吧!个人比较爱好宇宙这方面的电影、求各位推荐下、新手没有财富值、谢谢大家! 大神们帮忙看一道题,生物的.顺便解释一下谢谢!不胜感激!小弟暂时没财富值了T^T 高中数学一题求值域的,暂时没有财富值,到时一定补f(x)=(x的平方-x)/(x的平方-x+1)求它的值域 五年级自我评价怎样写(主要写缺点,我的缺点是粗心、马虎)对不起,我暂时没有财富值了,希望大家多多谅解 库伯先生派人来,把奔驰汽车开走了.(1)被动句:_______________.把这个句子改成被动.本人还暂时没有财富值. 求几篇初中生的时事小论文,400字左右就行了~暂时没有财富太穷不好意思. 美国东岸时间与西岸时间有什么区别?我暂时没有财富给予悬赏,不好意思了. 一个尸下面加吊这个字怎么读?不好意思,暂时没有财富值,麻烦亲们帮帮忙, 2mol l盐酸中含有多少摩尔h+多少摩尔cl-新手 没财富见谅啊谢谢了 现代汉语中而地用法?例子;;;;“他去了而其他人都安心了”这就话没有语法错误吧?那么这里的“而”是“所以”的意思吧?[[[[[[对不起,您的财富值过低,暂时不能进行操作]]]]]] 如图,若AB//CD,EF与AB,CD分别相交于E,F,EP⊥EF,角EFB的平分线EP相交于点P,且角BEP=40°,求角P的度数我这儿暂时没有财富值了,以后有机会再给大侠们补回来~ 孩子们都诧异地互相看着.我快没财富值了,我是新手,