
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/04 18:35:15


1.The legs of the 7F table are loosed
2.A light in the kitchen is broken.
3.The air condition in the sitting room is dripping
4.There is no water in the toilet water tank in rhe rest room of the living room..
5.The ceiling of the elevator vestible is dripping water.
6.The sprayer in the elewator vebtible is dripping eater.
7.the Shower fitting is broken,the hot water from the tap is not hot.
8.There is only cold water coming from water purifier ,there is no hot water.

legs of the tea table are moveable in 7F
one light in the kitchen does not work
the air conditioner in living room drops water
theree is no water in the flash toliet in the guestroom washr...


legs of the tea table are moveable in 7F
one light in the kitchen does not work
the air conditioner in living room drops water
theree is no water in the flash toliet in the guestroom washroom
the ceiling of elevator hall drops water
spray in the elevator hall drops water
shower is out of function which hot water is not hot
water cleaner can only give cold water.


1.The 7F table leg loose.
2.The kitchen a lamp bad.
3.The living room air conditioning water.
4.Guest bathroom toilet tank water.
5.Elevator hall ceiling dripping.
6.Eleva0tor hall...


1.The 7F table leg loose.
2.The kitchen a lamp bad.
3.The living room air conditioning water.
4.Guest bathroom toilet tank water.
5.Elevator hall ceiling dripping.
6.Eleva0tor hall spray water.
7.Shower tap out bad, hot water is not hot.
8.Water purifier made out of only water, not hot water.



英语翻译1.7F的茶几的腿松动了2.厨房的一个灯坏3.客厅的空调滴水4.客卫的抽水马桶的水箱无水5.电梯厅的天花板滴水6.电梯厅的喷淋滴水7.淋浴器坏,水龙头开出的热水不热8.净水器开出的只有 英语翻译中译英:1.厨房间的水龙头松动了2.次卫的门铰链脱落了3.客厅的射灯坏1只 英语翻译厨房的瓷砖脱落了,水龙头松动了,右边煤气打不开了,厨房门口上方的空调漏水了.DVD机无法播放碟片了. 英语翻译中译英;1.电梯厅的日光灯坏了2.厅里蜡烛灯和射灯各坏了1只3.主卫浴缸漏水了4.客厅坏了几只灯5.厨房的水龙头松动了 英语翻译主卫和次卫的马桶里都在漏水.厨房水斗的水龙头松动了.排风扇声音太响.油汀不制热.修补天花板. 英语翻译中文翻译成英语1.淋浴开关和浴缸水龙头开关,不管打开哪一个开关,都同时流出水来了.2.马桶堵塞了3.客卫的水龙头关不紧了,滴水了4.厨房的水龙头松动了5.客厅里的吊灯坏了一只灯 英语翻译中译英:1.淋浴莲蓬头不出水了,要换一根淋浴管子2.客厅里2个射灯不亮了3.厨房里橱门四周包的边脱落了4.书房里抽屉的把手松动了5.主卧的抽屉拉不开了 英语翻译1客厅有几个射灯和蜡烛灯坏了2次卫放卷筒纸的盒子脱落了3厨房的水龙头松动了4一楼大堂有个吊灯灯泡坏了5没有开煤气,但厨房煤气味很重 英语翻译中译英:1.客厅2个蜡烛灯不亮了2.次卫1个灯不亮了3.大门的锁松动了4.橱柜的把手松动了5.厅里修墙纸 英语翻译中文翻译成英语!1.马桶坏了,2.马桶堵住了3.主卧灯坏4.客卧的洗手间里开淋浴的水龙头松动了 玻璃的茶几好吗 英语翻译大门旁边的墙纸翘起来.厨房的水龙头松动.洗衣机的抽屉盖子盖不上.次卧门前的灯不亮.洗衣机无法正常过水,衣服洗不干净,都是泡沫. 请求把以下家具中文翻译成英语,谢谢厨房的水龙头松动了.主卫的浴缸堵塞了.冰箱发生故障了.次卫要安装电马桶.客厅的柜门脱落了. 厨房的水槽水龙头与水槽的连接处松动,什么胶可以粘牢固,不怕水,环保?是不锈钢的,之前用玻璃胶凑合用了几个月就不行了...下面有个螺丝,拧紧了就好了. 请把主卫排风扇关不掉了等等中文翻译成英语,谢谢!中译英:1.201室大门进门处有个灯坏了2.厨房跳电了3.客厅灯不亮了4.主卫排风扇关不掉了,按“关”键,还是在运转5.大门里边的把手松动了 玻璃破了怎么补茶几的玻璃 英语翻译中译英;1.楼梯上的天花板脱落了.2.楼上的射灯坏了3.微波炉的插头松动了4.厅里的窗帘钩断了好几个5.客梯厅的镜灯坏了1个 英语翻译中译英:1.7F客梯厅1个灯坏2.厨房里的电源插座都没有电3.煤气点不着4.客厅坏1个顶灯