
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/06 23:52:27


"Introduction:Gisela intend to return to his hometown to Rio,on the road,encountered the same is home to the Rio Ricardo.Gisela like reading,like dealing with people and quiet.Ricardo sound like noise.He likes Gisela.At the airport when they took the wrong travelling bags.Gisela in the bus fell asleep,the thieves stole her pack.She also met Ricardo,Ricardo him Gisela returned to the package,Gisela to understand that the thieves stole the package is Ricardo…… "

Gisela has intended to go to oersted in returning to a hometown, in on the way , has met same be to play li of abstruse fellow townsman Likaduo. Gisela likes to read a book , the like it and gentle an...


Gisela has intended to go to oersted in returning to a hometown, in on the way , has met same be to play li of abstruse fellow townsman Likaduo. Gisela likes to read a book , the like it and gentle and quiet people comes into contact with. Likaduo is fond of racket sound. He is fond of Gisela. They have no way with wrong travelling bag during the period of the airport. Gisela has been fallen asleep on public transit vehicle, by the parcel furtive walk her for a short time. She has come across Likaduo , Likaduo has returned his bag to Gisela , Gisela just now clearly , furtive walk for a short time has been Likaduo's bag, ,''


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