
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/08 01:57:19


There is a sense of fashion, and the pursuit of beauty is a character. It is a kind of aesthetic development, not the pursuit of fashion is a kind of not understanding is not complete, but in the new era, the fashion important in the development of society. If the one-sided understanding of star-chasing fashion, plastic surgery, wore designer clothes, hair, then there is no need to pursue this fashion. Should be the pursuit of life, love life, we as young people, more so. Continue to accept new things, new environment, in order to conform to requirements of social development, showing the rhythm of social life, progress, become the pillars of the motherland. Why do not the students, dressed in a fashion? Or not the students pursue fashion, dress themselves that? Everyone has their own reason to exist, personality Ye Hao, worth mentioning ... the image is represented by each of the different characteristics of the school, there are rules in place, we wear uniforms, pay attention to the dress uniform, which is a discipline problem, also able to represent aspects of the quality of their own discipline, but this does not mean that a school should wear the same uniforms, wearing the same clothes have been through the student career, highlighting his personality, the charm of its own publicity is a kind of good, which is conducive to confused society in the future, give yourself a foothold position. In fact, still have much to say, the key lies with themselves, if they want to be afraid of opposing views meet other people, very concerned about other people's eyes, it is most important to choose their own way to do it. Let's now dozens of high school students who like the simple way I think that some can not, it is a social development, but also can be seen as the progress of society, the environment has affected, as long as enough is enough, and the pursuit of appropriate dress fashion is still possible!

英语翻译时尚是一种意识存在,和追求美是一个性质.它是一种审美的发展,不追求时尚是一种对没的认识的不健全,而且在新的时代下,时尚在社会的发展举足轻重.如果把时尚片面地理解为追星 英语翻译我爱时尚.很喜欢三宅一生和川宝久玲的作品.我认为时尚与肤浅无关,并且时尚是一种精神.时尚不仅仅存在与DIOR、COCO‘CHANEL时尚是一种与时俱进、积极向上的精神;是一种优雅而又 英语翻译我写的传统与时尚 就帮我翻译下下面这段时尚是一种一时的追求,是一种文化在今天存在的一种特定的文化形态,每个时代都有属于它的时尚,就好像旗袍一样,传统的风格却能传时尚 作文【有一种时尚叫追求】 英语翻译:过于热衷时尚是一种对于时间和金钱的浪费(fashion) 英语翻译尚无女性的自我意识的茉对孟老板始终是一种卑微与臣服的姿态,在经济和精神上都具有极大的依赖性,畸形的心理导致女性意识被扼杀的莉虽然懂得主动追求自己的人生,可潜意识的 英语翻译我觉得时尚是一种对生活的态度,一种对生活的理解.一个独立的女性,充满爱心的女性,追求生活品质的女性,对审美有独特见解的女性,她就是一个时尚的女性. 英语翻译做……是可以理解的 例如:追求时尚是可以理解的翻译机的 请走开~ 这是一种对真理的追求吗 英语翻译 “追求时尚”英语怎么说 追求时尚 英文怎么说 英语作文 中学生应该如何看待和追求时尚 辩论:青少年追求潮流应该(正方)我校举行辩论赛 我方观点是;青少年追求潮流应该(正方) 潮流 不一定指 时尚 像 和谐社会 和谐发展 等 和谐二字也成为了一种潮流 这很有力的说明了 追求潮 仿照下面的事例,另写两个句子,组成排比句,要求使用比喻和比拟来表现,时尚,是一种艺术,它会让你有蒙娜丽莎般的美丽.或许,你是时尚的追求者,你总想赶上它的步伐与它同行.但它好像一直让 我想问一下有没有一种哲学理论体系,肯定“绝对意识”的存在,而人类意识又是独立于“绝对意识”的存在? 共产主义是人类思想的一种追求不的现实社会中存在的 唯物主义和唯心主义的本质如果说唯物主义强调物质第一,意识第二,也就是物质存在于意识之外.之所以有意识,是因为有物质的存在,意识是对物质的一种反应.即使没有了意识,物质它还是存在 意思到底是不是一种物质?马克思主义中,意识和物质是存在对立和统一关系的,据说意识只不过是大脑的神经传导和激素分泌,这样意识岂不是也是一种物质?那么还存在什么对立呢?还是说需要