英语阅读文.我总会选错,却不知为什么错,所以求分析选项..看图只分析我选错的题·谢谢各位.Mike had been delivering newspapers for a week,but he was not quite sure ___1___ he was going to like his first job.Today he was

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/04 02:32:32

Mike had been delivering newspapers for a week,but he was not quite sure ___1___ he was going to like his first job.Today he was to ___2___ the month's money from his customers.At the first house,Mike walked past the Pierces' barking dog,which was tied ___3___ in the front yard.When he ___4___ the door,he got up enough ___5___ to ring the bell.He told the man what he ___6___.Mr.Pierce didn't smile or say anything __7__ he handed Mike a 5 bill.Mike ___8___counted out the man's change.___9___the time he got to the second house,Mike felt a little more at ease.Mr.Simon was repairing his___10___.He,too,gave Mike a 5 bill ,but he smiled and talked as Mike gave him his ___11___.___12___Mike walked to the third house,he ___13___ a bit uneasy.Mr.Swenson was just coming home from the store,and he stopped___14__he saw Mike.Mr.Swenson___15___Mike the exact amount in change.They stood__16___ in front of the house ___17__.This wasn't ___18__ to be such a difficult job after all,thought Mike as he continued on his___20____.

Mike had been delivering newspapers for a week,but he was still not quite sure 51 he was going to like his first job.Today he was to 52 the month's money from his customers.At the first house,Mike walked past the Pierces' barking dog,which was tied up in the front yard.
  When he 53 the door,he got up enough 54 to ring the bell.He told the man what he wanted.Mr.Pierce didn't smile or say anything 55 he handed Mike a 5 bill.Mike 56counted out the man's change.
  57the time he got to the second house,Mike felt a little more at ease.Mr.Simon was repairing his 58.He,too,gave Mike a 5 bill but he smiled and talked as Mike gave him his change.
  59Mike walked to the third house,he wasn't a bit uneasy.Mr.Swenson was just coming home from the store,and he stopped 60 he saw Mike.Mr.Swenson61Mike the exact amount in change.They stood62 in front of the house 63.This wasn't 64 to be such a difficult job after all,thought Mike as he continued on his 65.
  51.A.What B.Whether C.Why D.which
  52.A.Fetch B.Select C.Collect D.seize
  53.A.Arrived B.Reached C.Went D.got
  54.A.Courage B.Money C.Newspapers D.demand
  55.A.But B.For C.So D.that
56.A.Hardly B.Lately C.Carefully D.nearly
  57.A.For B.In C.On D.By
  58.A.Garden B.Dog C.Car D.job
  59.A.How B.As C.That D.Down
  60.A.So B.Thus C.Where D.when
  61.A.Returned B.Paid C.Snatched D.left
  62.A.Talking B.to talk C.Talked D.talk
  63.A.in no time B.at once C.for a while D.by and by
  64.A.True B.Going C.Happening D.occurring
  65.A.Way B.Job C.Customers D.money

英语阅读文.我总会选错,却不知为什么错,所以求分析选项..看图只分析我选错的题·谢谢各位.Mike had been delivering newspapers for a week,but he was not quite sure ___1___ he was going to like his first job.Today he was 英语阅读文.我总会选错,却不知为什么错,所以求分析选项..看图只分析我选错的题·谢谢各位Mike had been delivering newspapers for a week,but he was not quite sure ___1___ he was going to like his first job.Today he was 我爱你我却不知如何是好 用英语怎么说 为什么我基本看得懂英语阅读的单词却看不懂阅读的意思是什么原因,有什么办法 为什么我阅读英文报纸能读懂9成,但听英语新闻却只能听懂1成,怎么改善? 为什么我做老托福的阅读正确率很高,可是新托福OG上的阅读却错很多 我是补习生,现在我的语文和英语不好,想提高却不知如何是好. 年过了,我却不知压岁钱的来历,过年为什么要有压岁钱呢? 我不知道人活着是为什么用英语怎么说 为什么香得懂英语阅读,却写不好英语作文? 为什么我一看英语阅读就犯困 您好,我想咨询关于英语阅读的,有时我懂每个单词的意思,却翻译不理全句话,为什么呢? 英语阅读不好.高一还可以.高二也有天天练习阅读,阅读书做了几本,还是错很多做了很多本,都不行.可能是方法不对?可我不知怎么调整.马上0诊了 为什么英语里面回答否定意思却是肯定?阅读里经常出现,怎样分清楚? 怎么分音节,在英语音标中?有时候一个单词.我会认音标却不知怎么分音节. 为什么我付出却没有回报,翻译英语 我英语为什么努力了,却学不好 化学方程式计算中反应物可以相比吗我记得有的不行,有的却可以不知为什么,请高手指点