
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/03 02:26:28


1. whose eyes 2. favorite teacher 3. for free 4. need not 5.does 6.as well as

1. whose cover is read 2. (which /that) you visited last week
3. (who/whom/that) I am looking for 4. (which/that) I received yesterday
5. that followed 6. whose name is Peter/ who is named Peter

1~5 BDADB 6~10 DDCAB
Ⅱ. 阅读

1. recognize / recognise 2. curious 3. valuable 4. puzzled 5. regularly
6. preserved 7. surrounding 8. research 9. effect 10.figure 11.recovered 12.failure 13.contained 14.harmful 15.damage 16. embarrassed 17.risk 18. broadcasts 19. match 20. fault
1. strength 2. skinny 3. achieve 4. weight 5. relaxed 6. ability
7.concentration 8. losses 9. suggestion 10. recognition

1. three days earlier than expected
2. I can’t wait to surprise them
3. how to deal with
4. explained the reason to the teacher
5. left you in charge of
6. to follow your advice
7. why he is angry with you
8. has been refusing
9. all the lights went out
10. like crazy
1. goes well 2. would see, movie 3. getting ready, set off, right away
4. Though, doesn’t enjoy 5. which is 6. priceless 7. does harm to
1. 1) D 2) B 2. 1) B 2) C 3. 1) B 2) D 3) A 4) C
4. 1)B 2)C 3)B 5. 1) C 2) A 6. 1) D 2) A
7. 1) C 2) B 8. 1) C 2) B 9. 1) C 2) D
10. 1) D 2) A 3) C 11. 1) B 2)C 3) A 4) D 12. 1) B 2) C
13. 1) A 2)B 3) C 14. 1) A 2) B 15. 1) A 2) B

1—5 CBDBD 6—10 BCDDB

1.fright, frightening\frightened 2.strength, strengthen
3.existence, exist 4.mysterious
5.possibility 6.similarity
7.disappointment, disappointed\disappointing
8.evidence 9.hairy
1. adventurous, adventurously 2. speech, speechless, speechlessly
3. actual, actually 4. total, total, totally
5. beautiful, beautifully 6. government
7. heavenly 8. astonishment, astonishing, astonishingly
9. comfort, comfort, comfortably 10.location, locate, local
1.色彩繁多的, 多功能的, 多元文化的
2.白皮肤的, 冷血的, 好脾气的
3.怪木怪样的,爱好和平的, 讲英语的
4.step up 5.due to 6.show up 7.according to
8.rule out 9.look into 10.run after 11.on average
12.make up 13.take charge of 14.outer space 15.take away
16.end with 17.be away on business
18.take turns to do sth 19.get as close as possible
20.be well worth doing 21.in harmony with
22.remind sb.of sth. 23.places of interest
Ⅱ. 句篇 填词
1.development 2.were made of 3.vary 4.advanced 5.until 6.ended 7.to 8.drew 9.struggled 10.achievement

1-5 CCACD 6-10 ADCBC 11-15 ADBDB
1.have been fishing, haven`t caught 2. has been trying; Hasn`t, decided
3.have heard; have been writing 4. have, heard; have been watching
5.has been driving, has,had 6. has been ringing;haven`t answered
7.has been observing; hasn`t talked 8.have been copying;haven’t had
1. Teenagers need friends/ Teenagers want to make friends/ Teenagers are in need of friends.
2. Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friends.
3. they can only go to their friends/they have to go to their friends
4. 这种交谈在孩子的成长过程中非常重要,因为朋友间可以谈论一些与家庭成员很难交谈的事情.
A. 略
B. 按要求写出相应单词:
1. explore; exploration; explorer 2. discover; discovery; discoverer
3. disturb; disturbing; disturbed 4. express; expression
5. survive; survival; survivor 6. curious; curiously; curiosity
7. brave; bravely; bravery 8. preserve; preservation
9. science; scientific; scientist 10. examine; examination; examiner
11. compare; comparison 12. organize; organization; organizer
13. manage; management; manager
14. northeast; northeastern; northeasterner

1. the Nobel Peace Prize 2.a list of 3.have an effect on 4.set sail for
5. right away 6.result in 7.pay off 8.be curious about
9. in advance 10.add...to... 11.refer...to 12.star in...
13. take photographs of 14.dream of 15.make a note of 16.get an idea of
17. be qualified for 18.look up to 19.go down 20.in control of
21. as well as 22.fall ill 23. compare with 24. set foot on
25. have sth to with 26. make contributions to
27.in case 28.tower over 29.be busy doing sth.
30.spend sth.(on sth./in doing sth.) 31.turn upside down 32.move on
33.look forward to sth./doing sth. 34.refer to 35.scare away
36.provide sth.for sb./provide sb.with sth. \ supply sth.to sb./supply sb.with sth.

II. 句篇:
A. 完成下列各句:
1. had become
2. If breathed in
3. What is certain
4. would rather not lose weight
5. Upon entering
6. It was his high scores on the psychological tests that
7. whatever they do
8. He was about to get off the camel
9. following the footprints of big animals
10. will be flying to
B. 选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空
1. advantages 2. enrich 3. absorbed 4. opens his mind
5. Getting out of 6. sensitive 7.look rough 8. creations
9. growing up

1-5 BBBCA 6-10 DBBBC 11-15 CCDCD
1. had completed 2. had taken 3. had left 4. cried; had lost
5. was 6. has gone; left 7. were doing; had assigned 8.hasn’t written
9. didn’t mention 10. hasn’t left 11. had been 12. had turned
1-4. DCDB
I. 单选
1-5 AACAD 6-10 AADBC 11-15 BDBDA
16-20.CDBCD 21-25. ACBAD 26-30. BCABC 31-35. DADCD
36-39 DADA 40-42 DBC
1. Incomes 2. 1930s 3. Changes 4. none-farm 5. 21000
6. labour 7. 23% 8. measure 9. week 10. 16
V. 写作
At the beginning of the year, my parents bought me a computer as a gift. I like it very much, for it has changed my life a lot. First, it’s a good help to my study. I can improve my lessons with software. Besides, I can collect necessary information from internet, which helps increase my knowledge. Then, it also brings me a lot of fun. I’m fond of computer games and enjoy chatting with friends on line. In fact, I often send e-mails to my friends, telling then about what I think of or feel in my life. I think I can make good use of it and I won’t spend too much time on games.

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