英语翻译尊敬的领导 女士们 先生们 非常感谢各级政府的大力支持和同事们的无私奉献 为三湘人民的健康事业撑起了一片美好的蓝天 值此佳节之际 我谨代表集团公司向你们拜个早年 并通过

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/07 01:45:28

尊敬的领导 女士们 先生们
非常感谢各级政府的大力支持和同事们的无私奉献 为三湘人民的健康事业撑起了一片美好的蓝天 值此佳节之际 我谨代表集团公司向你们拜个早年 并通过你们向你们的父母拜个早年 顺祝同志们新年快乐,万事如意

Honorific leaders,ladies and gentlemen,
Thanks all levels of government and colleagues for your great support and selfless dedication which bring a bright future for Sanxiang people's health.In this holiday season,I wish you and your familiy a happy new year on behalf of our company.Best wishes and good luck to everyone.
best regards

Respected leaders ladies and gentlemen: hello!
Thank you very much for all levelsof government company to you worship a early and through you to your parents happy a early best wishes and comrades happy New Year and best of everything !!

Respected leaders ladies and gentlemen: hello!
Thank you very much for all levels of government support and colleagues selfless dedication for people's health sansho props up a beautiful blue sky ...


Respected leaders ladies and gentlemen: hello!
Thank you very much for all levels of government support and colleagues selfless dedication for people's health sansho props up a beautiful blue sky holiday season of I, on behalf of group company to you worship a early and through you to your parents happy a early best wishes and comrades happy New Year and best of everything.


Respected leaders ladies and gentlemen: hello!
Thank you very much for all levels of government support and colleagues selfless dedication for people's health sansho props up a beautiful blue sky ...


Respected leaders ladies and gentlemen: hello!
Thank you very much for all levels of government support and colleagues selfless dedication for people's health sansho props up a beautiful blue sky holiday season of I, on behalf of group company to you worship a early and through you to your parents happy a early best wishes and comrades happy New Year and best of everything


法语:j'aime le tennis
德语:ich liebe Tennis
意大利语:amo il tennis
西班牙语:amo tenis
葡萄牙语:eu amo o tênis
韩国语:나는 테니스/...


法语:j'aime le tennis
德语:ich liebe Tennis
意大利语:amo il tennis
西班牙语:amo tenis
葡萄牙语:eu amo o tênis
韩国语:나는 테니스를 좋아합니다
俄罗斯:Я люблю теннис
荷兰:Ik houd van het tennis
希蜡:Αγαπώ την αντισφαίριση


先生们 女士们 的英语翻译 尊敬的各位领导,女士们,先生们大家下午好!用英语怎么读,用汉字写出来. 女士们先生们英语翻译 早上好,先生们女士们 的英语翻译 英语翻译尊敬的领导 女士们 先生们 非常感谢各级政府的大力支持和同事们的无私奉献 为三湘人民的健康事业撑起了一片美好的蓝天 值此佳节之际 我谨代表集团公司向你们拜个早年 并通过 英语翻译亲爱的先生们女士们,祝你们圣诞快乐 英语翻译尊敬的各位领导、各位嘉宾,女士们、先生们,晚上好!在春暖花开的季节,我们迎来了亚太21个国家和地区,25个美国商会的近200名嘉宾,与广州各有关部门的领导、企业家代表和各界人士 请帮帮忙用英语翻译女士们先生们. 女士们先生们用英语翻译出来. 英语翻译:“先生们,女士们晚上好” 这怎么说? 英语翻译尊敬的各位领导,女士们,先生们,我是XX,我要演讲的主题是“奋斗 不息,圆梦长城”.每个人都会有梦想,无论是宏伟或是平凡,梦就像一颗小小的树苗,生长在心灵的土地上,汲取着养分, 奥巴马就职演说对听众怎么称呼的是称呼,同胞们,还是朋友们,还是尊敬的女士先生们? 女士们先生们的英文怎么拼 女士们先生们的英文要怎么说? 先生们女士们孩子们的英文怎么说 先生们女士们的英语白字 女士们先生们英语的正确发音 女士们先生们英文