
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/02 03:53:12

唐三藏:Tang Priest 孙悟空:Monkey King
猪八戒:Pigsy 沙和尚:Friar Sand
1.Journey to the West(《西游记》)
2.If were ...,I would ...如果我是……,我会……

Imagine one day, Tang Priest and his disciples--Monkey King,Pigsy and Friar Sand, could time travel to the year of 2012, what knowledge and technology would they learn to acquire if they wanted to adapt to our modern life? Here I would like to imagine myself being Tang Priest since he is the leader of the gang in the Journey to the West. So if I were Tang Priest, I would take advantage of my good memory and ability to meditate in face of temptations and dangers to do research into human psychology. I have encountered various monsters and hardships, so the journey can offer many samples of human and non-human behaviors for me to explore.

英文高手们请进来,帮帮小弟把话说唐僧师徒四人穿越来到2012年,为了适应现代的生活,他们需要学习新的知识和新技术.如果你是他们其中的一员,你会选择学习什么?为什么?请根据以上线索,展 英语好的高手请进来帮帮小弟~背疼可写成sore back和backache那喉咙疼也能写成sore throat或throatache吗?为什么? 进来帮帮!`(如:古诗、俗语等)⒈四体不勤,( ).⒉一叶障目,( ).⒊《水浒传》中主要讲了( )个好汉.你最喜欢的是( ),有关他的故事有:( )⒋《西游记》描述了唐僧师徒四人上西 英语高手请进来帮帮小弟~the snow globe of the monster和the snow globe with a 什么情况下用of什么时候用with?有什么规定吗?还是两个都可以互用? 英语好的高手请进来帮帮小弟~1、陈述句的语序是什么?2、where does Nine lives为什么可以写成where Nina lives?3、宾语从句有什么特点? 数学高手进来帮小弟个忙 请各位高手帮帮小弟把这些单词的英标写一下 十万分的感谢你们!British America French city visit American Japan Japanese FranceEngland Chinese Australia housewife 日常标语(中英互译)请各位英语高手帮帮小弟!例如:No Smoking 禁止吸烟 英语翻译句子,话说唐僧师徒四人西天取经一路上遇到无数妖魔鬼怪.这不这回又遇到 求知48个音标对应的字母 例如[i:] 字母组合:ee ea e i[e] 字母组合 ea e a 小弟知道不是很全面,请各英语的高手们帮帮小弟,小弟加赏30分 第四题请各位大侠们帮帮小弟 求英语高手,大哥哥大姐姐们,现身帮帮小弟.Dont stop,mark it pop在这个英文短语中哪个是主语,谓语,宾语 请翻译 “燃油燃气热水炉厂”成英文如题,请翻译大神帮帮小弟! 请进来 (英文) 把“请进来!”用中文翻译成英文 西游记唐僧四师徒名字 唐僧师徒各有性格特点 沙漠的英文怎么拼啊!各位大侠侠女,帮帮小弟把!