Is this shirt Tim's?(变为肯定句) That is Tim's coat?(变为否定句)This is not Mary's dress.(变为一般疑问句)

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/02 02:06:55

Is this shirt Tim's?(变为肯定句) That is Tim's coat?(变为否定句)
This is not Mary's dress.(变为一般疑问句)

This is Tim's shirt
This is not Tim's coat
Isn't this Mary's dress?

Is this Tim's shirt?和Is this shirt Tim's?哪个正确?如题:Is this Tim's shirt?和Is this shirt Tim's?哪个正确? Is this shirt Tim's?可以换成Is this Tim's shirt吗?可以吗, Is this shirt Tim’s Is this Tim’s shirt?意思相同吗? Is this shirt Tim's?可不可以换成Is this Tim‘s shirt? this tim's shirt 和is this shirt tim's哪个正确 新概念第一册11课Is this shirt Tim's?Is this shirt Tim's?能否改成 Is it Tim‘s shirt? 【英语问题】is this shirt tim's?为什么是这样表达的?is this tim's shirt?可不可以?如题, This shirt is Tim's.(对划线部分提问) ------- ----- ------ is this. 英语Tim's人名的问题Tim's是Tim的什么什么----比如Is this shirt Tim's?这句型的Tim's和shirt可以调换位置吗?Tim's shirt's white.这句呢》shirt's和Tim's可以掉换不?还有Tim's可以用在my/your/its/her的所有格吗?理 is this shirt tim's?和is this tim's shirt?这两句那个对?所有格的位置可以在名词前后随便放吗? 小菜英语问题今天看新感念的时候碰到一个问题很疑惑.is this shirt tim's?这句话可以改成 is this tim's shirt Is this shirt Tim's?(变为肯定句) That is Tim's coat?(变为否定句)This is not Mary's dress.(变为一般疑问句) 为什么是Is this shirt Tim's?新概念1里面的第11课,其中有一句是这样写的Is this shirt Tim's?疑问:1)为什么不是Is this Tim's shirt?这样调过来不可以吗?2)如果改下正常句按课文来说应该是this is shirt T 主谓宾划分Is this shirt Tim's?我是初学者,这句话的句子成分怎么划啊?下面的这么说跟上面的意思一样吗?Is this Tim's shirt? 名词所有格有两种属性:形容词性、名词性 上面两组哪组是形容词性的名词所有格有两种属性:形容词性、名词性This is Tim's shirt. This shirt is Tim's.Whose shirt is this? Whose is this shirt?如果这个词 is this your shirt?is this shirt your?is this shirt tim is?is this tim is shirt?what color is henry is hat?what is henry is hat color?这个一样吗?请说明理由 求解一中学英文题!五分!把下列句子组成小对话:()Here you aru.Catch!()This is my shirt.Myshirt`s biue.()No,sir.It is not my shirt.(1)Whose shirt is that?()Perhaps it is,sir.Tim`s shirt`s white.()Is this your shirt?()Is this your shi 英语语法请教Tim's shirt‘s white为什么这里要用2个is呢?Tim's shirt‘s whitetim 是 shirt 是 white