my outlook on human cloning紧急!

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my outlook on human cloning

下面是一名学生在学完《全新版大学英语》( 上海外语教育出版社) 综合教程 3 第八单元
Cloning 后写的作文.
My View on Human Cloning
北京 刘萌萌
Simon’s Revised Composition:
A decade ago,it was unrealistic to clone a human being.But all has changed since a sheep named Dolly,an exact genetic replica of its mother,was born on July 5,1996.People all over the world began to discuss this new technology seriously as the principle of human cloning is the same as that of animal cloning.Fierce debate arose over the pros and cons of trying to clone a human being.
Indeed,every fruit of science has a prospect of wide application.Many problems regarding human reproduction or medicine may be solved with human cloning.How exciting it would be when the life of a patient with a malfunctioning organ could be saved as a suitable replacement could be easily grown in a laboratory.Such transplants would also eliminate the risk of rejection by the body due to an immune reaction as the new organ would be cultivated from a batch of cells from the patients themselves.And what a joyful thing it would be if a copy of a person could be made to overcome infertility.
However,a large number of people including Ian Wilmut,who created Dolly,find human cloning offensive.For one thing,the technology is far from perfect and the incidences of a live and healthy clone are few and far between.Shall we kill off the ones with a deformed body or defective brains?That,I’m afraid,would cause censure from people who hold to their religious beliefs.For another,even if the technology is perfected,who can guarantee no one will misuse it for evil purposes?
I agree that the evil use of human cloning will lead to very dangerous consequences.But I don’t agree with the idea of prohibiting it.Nothing can stop the advancing steps of science.As world history teaches us,if one society rejects a new technology,another society will not.I think there is still a long way to go to judge whether cloning has more advantages than disadvantages or not.


my outlook on human cloning
People’s opinions are always different once they talk about human cloning. The general public has been debating whether human cloning is a bless or a curse. The biggest...


my outlook on human cloning
People’s opinions are always different once they talk about human cloning. The general public has been debating whether human cloning is a bless or a curse. The biggest benefit, in my eyes, brought about by human cloning is medical advance. A cell of human being can develop into some kinds of vital organs by human cloning. It’s a exciting thing for many patients and doctors even the human race. Apart from the benefit mentioned above, human cloning can be dangerous to humankind. Many people are worried that certain ambitious terrorist attacks would replicate themselves so that the clones could inherit their goals and continue doing evil after their deaths. And human cloning is out of morality. In my opinion, human cloning do more good than harm. If we place it under strict control, it will be a good thing.


With the advancement of science and technology, men have realized many more dreams, human cloning included.
First, I should say it stands for the highly advanced technology. It tells us that we...


With the advancement of science and technology, men have realized many more dreams, human cloning included.
First, I should say it stands for the highly advanced technology. It tells us that we human being can realize our dreams if we work hard. Human cloning also will provide good chances for those who suffer from illnesses. Maybe with the help of cloning, their illnesses will be curable. However, just as every coin has two sides, so does the human cloning. If the technology were controlled by evildoers, what would happen then? It is hard to tell.
So we should bear in mind clearly that every advance in technology should be used correctly.


