
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/07 11:07:08


《夜晚的咖啡屋》: The Cafe Terrace on the Place
《梵高 三合一》: Van Gogh's Visions(triptych)
《星空》: Starry Night
《黄色的小麦和柏树》: Yellow Wheat and Cypresses
《卷心菜和木鞋》:Still Life with Cabbage and Clogs
《盛开的栗子树》:Chestnut Trees in Blossom
《加歇医生肖像》:Portrait of Doctor Gacher
《奥弗加歇医生的花园》:Doctor Gachet's Garden in Auvers
《鸢尾花》:The Iris
《割草的少年》:Cut the grass of youth
《马车通过的吊桥》:The carriage of the Drawbridge
《死去的飞蛾》Death's-Head Moth
《有太阳和收割机的麦田》:Wheat Field with Reaper and Sun
《阿尔的朗卢桥》:The Langlois Bridge at Arles
《摇篮旁的妇女》:Woman Sitting by a Cradle
《带深色毛毡帽的自画像》:Self-Portrait with Dark Felt Hat
《留着胡须的老人》:Portrait of an Old Man with Beard
《头盖骨和点着的烟》:Skull with Burning Cigarette
《食土豆者》:The Potato Eaters
《两个挖土豆的农妇》:Two Peasant Women Digging Potatoes
《夕阳下的播种者》:Sun, the Sower
《手拿康乃馨的女人》:With Carnations Woman