
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/08 01:01:06


However,the regimental commander Jack who is in charge of the acceptance is on business,he says that will check and ensure the invitation letter as soon as he go back to his office on Monday.
Besides,the scanning of the hotel advance order is ok,and it's not necessary to attach it in the invitation letter.

But now the pre-acceptance matters of Mr. JACK on business outside, he said he once a week for the office will check a...


But now the pre-acceptance matters of Mr. JACK on business outside, he said he once a week for the office will check and confirmation invitation. In addition, hotel reservation single scan version of can, and do not need to add the invitation.


but now Jack, the head of the tour group who is in charge of the check and acceptance is out on bussiness and he said he would be back to his office in Mon and confirmed that invitation card.


but now Jack, the head of the tour group who is in charge of the check and acceptance is out on bussiness and he said he would be back to his office in Mon and confirmed that invitation card.
moreover, the hotel booking policy, just a PDF would be OK and there is no need to insert it into the invitation card.


However, Mr Jack, Head of the Delegation who is responsible for pre-check, is not in his office currently. He said he would check and confirm this inviting letter on Monday when returning to his office. Besides, a copy of the hotel order form is also available and is not necessary to be attached to the inviting letter.

However, Mr. Jack, the team leader who is responsible for pre-inspection matters is now away on a business trip. He said that he would scrutinize and confirm this invitation letter when he came back t...


However, Mr. Jack, the team leader who is responsible for pre-inspection matters is now away on a business trip. He said that he would scrutinize and confirm this invitation letter when he came back to his office on Monday. Furthermore, a scanned version of the hotel reservation receipt will be ok and need not be attached to the invitation letter.


英语翻译但目前负责预验收事宜的团长JACK先生在外出差,他说他星期一回办公室会对这份邀请函进行核查和确认.另外,酒店预订单扫描版的就可以,并且不需要加在邀请函中 英语翻译用户表示以目前情况来看,他们将争取安排代表团在3月底开始进行预验收,或者在4月初.但主要取决于拿到名单后取得护照和签证的时间 英语翻译中信还在和海关协调修改名称的事宜.目前,海关官员已将修改建议上交到领导部门,等待领导审批和确认,但还没有最终结果. 英语翻译目前用户正在安排设备的商检事宜,商检后,我们就要派工程师到现场开始安装了 英语翻译兹授权于:****公司为****系列产品在****地区的代理商,负责****系列产品在该地区的销售、推广、服务事宜. 工程验收程序.包括:消防验收、人防验收、现场竣工预验收、环境验收、电梯验收、竣工验收等.上述验收及他们之间的时间安排及顺序 英语翻译***先生:您好!写此份邮件的目的是想向您确认一下您是否有收到上一次我发给您有关〜的邮件.不知道您可否帮忙做邮件里要求贵公司做到的事宜.如果您不是负责该事宜的负责 英语翻译印刷厂仓库保管员岗位职责 一、 负责全厂物资保管、请购、领用和发放.对物资的原材料入库,要进行验收、清点.二、 熟悉仓库管理业务,负责对库存的各种材料名称、型号、规格以 英语翻译我要来验收的o 英语翻译我们是XXX公司的进口代理公司,负责XXX公司的进口事宜,现在有一份order confirmation ,在邮件的附件当中,请您查收,如没有问题,请签名盖章回传我司 英语翻译授 权 书为加大拓展加拿大国际劳务市场业务,***有限公司特授权业务经理 ** 全权负责处理我公司在加拿大境内有关劳务派遣事宜(境外劳务派遣业务的联络). 英语翻译mark:我是《读者》编辑部专门负责杂志广告事宜的人,前段时间曾跟您有过邮件联系冒昧打扰您的工作,十分歉意,还请见谅,主要是想询问一下明年广告继续合作的事宜.非常感谢您及贵 英语翻译接上面:的一切事宜 外加一句忍痛割爱 我公司承揽的门窗工程,现进入了验收审计阶段.目前某审计部门的验收意见是:每个转角要减去9cm,但无法提供相关的依据.请问有没有关于塑钢门窗转角部分的验收规范可以查询?(北京市或 JAC的英文全称是什么啊 英语翻译1.在此期间负责项目物业前期介入,制定物业验收规范,验收表格及接管验收.验收完后督促施工单位整改复验等.负责签定装修协议及二装管理.制定06年设备维修保养工作计划.2.电气质 英语翻译目前,经Carter与LEE公司协商,就申请费事宜,Carter与LEE公司已达成一致. 英语翻译尊敬的各位领导您好!得知您要来我厂洽谈合作事宜,我们都非常高兴并欢迎!但是我们厂目前已停止生产,员工都放假回家,领导们要去国外去学习并与制造商商讨进口设备的事宜,都不