解答几个高一英语题(要快些——)1.Voyage in Engilsh means "a long journey,especially by__ sea or in___ space.A.a,a B.the, the C.不填,the D.不填,不填2.Do be quiet,Mary.Don't keep ___ silly questions.A.asking such B.to ask such C.

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/02 09:42:16

1.Voyage in Engilsh means "a long journey,especially by__ sea or in___ space.
A.a,a B.the, the C.不填,the D.不填,不填
2.Do be quiet,Mary.Don't keep ___ silly questions.
A.asking such B.to ask such C.to ask so D.asking so
Setting is when and where a story happens.Many popular novels are setin the present.But some go back --or forward--in time.Westerns(西部片) are often set in the 1800s.Books about King Arthur are set in the Middle Ages.Science fiction may have a future setting.________ It may be anywhere from New York to the forests of Asia to Mars.A long novel may have several settings.

1选C(BY SEA 是固定说法不能加冠词) 2选A 3.参考句The site of the plot can be very variable.



The plot can happen in various places.

解答几个高一英语题(要快些——)1.Voyage in Engilsh means a long journey,especially by__ sea or in___ space.A.a,a B.the, the C.不填,the D.不填,不填2.Do be quiet,Mary.Don't keep ___ silly questions.A.asking such B.to ask such C. 物理的几个公式求解答(解释含义以及该在什么情况下用)1.a=△V/△t2.Vt=Vo+at3.x=Vot+½at²4.平均速度(V上面一横)=x/t=(Vo+Vt)/25.x=(Vt²-Vo²)/2a 求高手解答几个高一地理题3 一道高一数学题,请快些要详解谢谢 提供几个英语谚语,急用快些, 解答一下,高一英语,8到15题. 请教高一英语问题,求达人解答(单选) 高一英语怎么学啊求解答 解答题数学高一 高一物体题一道一平板小车(质量为m)静止在光滑水平面上 现令质量均也为m的两物体A B分别以2vo vo的初速沿同一直线从小车的两端相向水平同时滑上小车(A从左 B从右 A速2vo B速vo),设A B与 单选:在高处以初速度Vo水平抛出一石子,当它的速度方向由水平变化到与水平方向成θ角的过程中,石子的水平位移大小是:( )A.(Vo²/g)*sinθB.(Vo²/g)*cosθC.(Vo²/g)*tanθD.(Vo&s Vt=Vo+a什么意思?高一物理,谢谢! 高一物理里面的Vt、Vo分别是什么? 怎样英语作文高一英语课件课件求解答 此题求解 要快些 高一物理(用动能定理解答)第四题 关于高一物理速度与位移关系公式的推倒速度公式Vt=Vo+a·t位移公式S=Vo·t+1/2at·t(就是t的平方)由这两个公式怎样推出Vt·Vt-Vo·Vo=2as?注: 要有详细的推理过程,请高二的学长们帮帮忙!谢谢!请问 高一生物求解答第七题