英语翻译作者说她的新书是专门为孩子们写的.(aim) 并不是每个人都喜欢在公开场合表现自己.(not)你不必因为自己的工作

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/02 20:42:58





你提供的信息越多,我们准备越充分.(the more…… the more……)

多花些时间锻炼身体有什么错? (wrong)

在国外生活的这段经历,使他变成一个不再依赖父母的人. (turn)

这部电影因充斥了太多暴力而被禁演了. (ban)

必须采取措施制止这类事件的发生. (action)

the author said that her new book was specially aimed to children.
not everyone like to express themself in public.
the more you provide information,the more we get prepared.
is it wrong spending more time on exercise?
the experience of oversea living has turned him indepenent of his parents.
the movie was banned because of expressing too much violence.
some action must be taken to keep from such incident.
you need not feel inferior to others because of your occupation.

1,The survey shows that the average wages of foreign investment and joint venture enterprises is higher than the state - owned enterprise by 20%-30%. 2.The large Chinese enterprises begin to improve s...


1,The survey shows that the average wages of foreign investment and joint venture enterprises is higher than the state - owned enterprise by 20%-30%. 2.The large Chinese enterprises begin to improve statistical methods to provide reliable data. 3. Wages and social insurance accounted for 45 of our profits of enterprises, they are 5% more than last year.
4. The unemployment rate of the manufacturing workers in the city ,suburbs and rural during the economic crisis is twice as much as the ratio of inflation
5.Generally speaking, the purchasing powder of 1 dollar in the developed countries is equivalent to buy as much as 0.6 dollars in the developing countries.


1)The author says her new book is specially written for children
2)Not everyone likes to express themselves in public
3)You don't have to because of his work and feel inferior
4)The more i...


1)The author says her new book is specially written for children
2)Not everyone likes to express themselves in public
3)You don't have to because of his work and feel inferior
4)The more information you provide, we prepared more fully
5)Spend some time to exercise what is wrong?
6)In the experience of living abroad, make him turn a more independent from their parents.
7)This movie because there is too much violence and was banned
8)We must take measures to stop the occurrence of such events.


The author said her new book was aimed at children.
Everyone does not like to show off in public.
You need not (或do not need to) feel inferior because of what you do.
The more info you p...


The author said her new book was aimed at children.
Everyone does not like to show off in public.
You need not (或do not need to) feel inferior because of what you do.
The more info you provide, the more we can be prepared.
What's wrong with spending more time working out (exercising)?
The experience of living abroad has turned him into someone that no longer relies on his parents.
This movie is banned due to excessive violence.
Actions must be taken to prevent such things from happening.
注:上面第二句 = Not everyone likes to show off in public. 而不是“每个人都不喜欢在公共场合表现自己”的意思。这一点英汉两语表达法很不同。


英语翻译作者说她的新书是专门为孩子们写的.(aim) 并不是每个人都喜欢在公开场合表现自己.(not)你不必因为自己的工作 英语翻译用翻译器的就别写了,1作者说她的这本书是专门为孩子们写的(aim)2并不是每个人都喜欢在公开场合表现自己(Not)3多花些时间锻炼身体有什么错?(wrong)4在国外生活的这段经历, 她的梦想是为孩子们设计时装.英语翻译 这期的是实话实说节目是专门为孩子们准备的用英语怎么翻译 英语翻译:这本书是专门为5至8岁的孩子写的 专门写文章的人叫什么名是专门 英语翻译1、他告诉我他可以教我们英语了.2、他对孩子们说他打算给他们买冰淇淋.3、她说她要为妈妈买一些花.4、她说她正在接一个朋友带来的电话.5、他说他朋友刚买了一辆新车.6、他说 这些是孩子们的书包吗 英语翻译 英语翻译近几年来新政府一直致力于改善农民的生活条件(devote…to)专门为孩子们创作的节目现在变得越来越多(intend for)如果她按照父母说的那样去做的话,就不可能在医学上取得如此巨 为她的新书做宣传,她在各种“脱口秀”上露面”译为英文 使用(boost) 这期<实话实说>是专门为孩子们准备的怎么说This programTell It like It is_ _ _ 修改病句:杨红樱的新书上市,孩子们的期盼又一个来了. 修改病句:杨红樱的新书上市,孩子们的期盼又一个来了 火星引力(小说作者)还写小说吗?他写的作品我都看过了 最近有木有写新书? 英语翻译曾经有人问她为什么要做志愿者她说志愿者是一个伟大的职业,她非常喜欢这个工作,她热爱为大众服务 英语翻译:这个书架是为我们的孩子们设计的(be desighed for) 这是丰子恺给自己的画集写的序,为什么不提他的画集而是写了他的孩子们?作者采用的是第二人称,体会一下这样写有什么好处《给我的孩子们》丰子恺 英语翻译让我看一看你的新书let me --- --- --- --- you new book(“---”为空白处)