给句子加上问句或答句1.————————————?The ruler is bule.2._________________________?Alice isfoum englang.3.is your father adoctor?__________________________?4.___________________________?THE ball is under the desk..5.HA

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/07 12:37:16

The ruler is bule.
Alice isfoum englang.
3.is your father adoctor?
THE ball is under the desk..
5.HAppy birthday to you?
These are eggs.

1What color is the ruler?
2Where is Alice from?/Where does Alice come from?
3Yes,he is .
4Where is the ball?
5Thank you.
6What are these?

给句子加上问句或答句1.————————————?The ruler is bule.2._________________________?Alice isfoum englang.3.is your father adoctor?__________________________?4.___________________________?THE ball is under the desk..5.HA 一.根据单词的首字母提示填空.1.I can see some flowers on the m(   ). 二.根据图片提示,给下列句子写出问句或答句.1.图:一个小男孩在床上折被子.——What can he do?--( 比喻句,拟人句,问句,排比句以及描写景物的句子都对文章有什么作用?·····分为疑问句,反问句,设问句———————————————————————— 给下面这个句子加上不同的标点,并补充相应的文字,使它成为五个意思或语气不同的句————————--——(两人都在做作业)-——————————(李鑫问王丽王强是否在做作业) —_________________(根据答句写出问句) —That's all right. 根据给出的答句或问句,写出相应的答句或问句—__________ to go to Beijing from Shanghai by air,please?—For less than two hours,I think.—_________?It‘s so big.—Noo,it isn't.It's a turkey.It;s much bigger than a chicken.—___ 一个有宾语从句的句子,回答“...也是”的倒装句怎么写?——I don’t think I can speak English well.——Nor can I.回答句中的“Nor”或“So”是根据什么判断的的?用“Nor”或“So”是根据问句中哪部分 根据所给句子写出问句和答句 —-------- —The ruler is blue—----- —alice is from england.—is your father a doctor?—----- —----- —the ball is under the desk.—happy birthday to you!—----- —----- —these are eggs 给句子加上标点,使其成为意思相反的两句话.1.他喜欢看电视不喜欢1.——2.—— 弱弱问句——河蟹是什么意思 弱弱问句——河蟹是什么意思 ——— ———is today (根据答句,完成问句) today is Monday - 打得好给悬赏——将下面的句子变为双重否定句.反问句和比喻句我看着他脚上被人踩过的布鞋,浑身湿透了的衣服,在那么鲜亮的人群里,他很渺小 —_________________(根据答句写出问句) —How do you do.—_________________(根据答句写出问句) —There are three birds in the sky 给下面这个句子加上不同的标点,并补充相应的文字,使它成为五个意思或语气不同的句子.王丽王强在做作业1————————————(两人都在做作业)2————————————(李 根据答句写出下列问句 is Children's Day?——lt's on June l thank you的问句 A:————?B:Thank you(根据答句写问句) 不顾文章或讲话的原意,孤立地取一段或—句的意思,写出句子意思的成