mean to do sth与want to do sth与think about doing sth区别是什么?例如I think about playing ball.I mean to play ball.I want to play ball.

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/09 03:35:32

mean to do sth与want to do sth与think about doing sth区别是什么?
I think about playing ball.
I mean to play ball.
I want to play ball.

mean to do 某个人的大脑想法 直译 例如:我的意思是吃烧烤或者去北京 (表达自己的意愿 不一定do成)
want to do 想要做什么 例如:你究竟想要做什么?心理非常想 愿意 可能do成
think about doing 认为...应该.一般为建议做什么 do不do 无所谓

think about ... 一般在过去式的对白中最为常见,语气中带着点埋怨自己该做没做的意思。
例如:I thought about calling you last night but ....
mean to ... 也较常出现于过去式对话,语气中含有一点因为之前的词不达意引发误会而表达的遗憾。
例如:I meant to tell you that I care...


think about ... 一般在过去式的对白中最为常见,语气中带着点埋怨自己该做没做的意思。
例如:I thought about calling you last night but ....
mean to ... 也较常出现于过去式对话,语气中含有一点因为之前的词不达意引发误会而表达的遗憾。
例如:I meant to tell you that I care, but somehow it didn't come out right.
want to ... 最常用于表达“现在”或“不久后未来”的意愿和企图,当然发生时间也可以在“过去”。较多用于陈述现状或事实,没有深层寓意。
例如:I want to go shopping this afternoon, how about you?
或者:I wanted to go shopping yesterday afternoon, but it rained all of a sudden.

