
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/05 09:15:07


1.China,Russia veto US draft to punish Myanmar
China and Russia vetoed a US resolution calling on Myanmar government to stop persecution of opposition groups,killing the measure in the UN Security Council
2.Economists warn of real estate bubble
Beijing should keep its interest rate high and the real estate sector cool,according to a recent report from top research body the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
3.More top jobs go to non-Party members
More than 32,000 non-Communist Party members are holding government positions at or above county chief-level,or its equivalent in higher administrations.
4.Sea waters 'heavily polluted'
Marine pollution has worsened in the past year,especially in the shallow waters off the coast,said the Beijing oceanic authority on Friday.
5.China,US reach tax pricing agreement
Tax authorities have reached the first agreement with their US counterparts that could resolve potential double taxation disputes involving retail giant Wal-Mart.

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