ggjj帮我评一下托福作文,能的多少分?让太傻伤透心了!放了好几天,看得人不少,就是没人帮着改改,逼不得已了!36.Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed people's li

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/27 18:11:26

36.Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed people's lives.
With the rapid pace of the technology,there are so many kinds of transportation available at presents,among which,in my opinion,automobiles change people's life to a large extent for the reasons as follows.
First of all,automobiles make people's life more convenient and comfortable.One hundred years ago,to be specific,before the invention of the automobile,no matter where people go,they have to go there on foot,of course,it is inconvenient if the destination is so far away.Especially on the sweltering days,with so high temperature,people have to withatand the extreme temperature while they are traveling.However,with automobiles,people may drive a car to anywhere they want and during the travel they can trun on the air conditioner to stay cool.
Furthermore,transportation of the commodities is more convenient than the past,so people might buy more are mainly produced in the local areas or the vicinity,few would dispute that in ancient times,people in the northern part of China never have tasted the fruit produced in the sounthern part of China,there is an impressive example I need to metion here.In theTang Dynasty,the queen want to eat litchi,so during the transportation,hundreds of horses are exhausted to death,from which one can imagine how inconveniently if the commodities are transported without automoniles.
Finally,according to a recent survey,there is an increasing number of cars entering the market every year.Consequantly,the traffic is overcrowed.In addition,the emission of the cars pollutes the air atmosphere,when people inhale the polluted air,their lung may be badly damaged.With respect to the increasing number of cars,they also generate large amount of noise which of course make people uncomfortable when they are concentrating their work.
From what has been discussed above,automobiless truly change people's life in so many aspects,and some of them are beneficial to people,while others are unfavorable and damage people's health condition.Thus,great effort should be made to make automibile a perfect product.


ggjj帮我评一下托福作文,能的多少分?让太傻伤透心了!放了好几天,看得人不少,就是没人帮着改改,逼不得已了!36.Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed people's li sat作文7 托福作文能考多少我明天就要考托福了...我没上过sat的课就去考了一次很受打击,问一下这个sat作文我考了7分(时间没把握好,考场上没写完),托福作文大概能得多少分啊...期待大师 英语四级大概相当于托福多少分?请帮我分析一下是多少分大概 gre作文分数我写了篇托福雅思gre的作文,怎么才能知道大概能的多少分? 我的水平托福能考多少分?今年四级考了521.想问一下这样的水平能考新托福多少分呢.那如果想考100 还差多远呢. 帮我点评一下这篇托福作文,看看能多少分Should the money invested into a university library be used to buy books or to buy computers?What do you think?Why?Nowadays With the rapid development of advanced the computer technology in the m 帮我点评一下这篇托福作文,看看能多少分求 各种拍砖People work because they need money to live.What are some other reasons that people work?Discuss one or more of these reasons.Use specific examples and details to support your ans 我背完新概念能考多少分托福? 托福口语复议能提多少我成绩 阅读29 听力28 口语23 作文25 总分105 这样的话需要复议吗?这个分真的很... 雅思如何才能过关呀,急要紧得很,希望GGJJ们帮我一下,万分感激 2013年考研英语(二)翻译15分,小作文10分,大作文15分,大家帮我分析一下我能得多少分?翻译基本都翻译过来了,写上来肯定对的大约占一半,不知道能不能得8分,作文背了好多模板句子,都写上了 托福口语和写作我能拿到40分吗?我的雅思写作口语都是5.5..托福裸考这两项能多少分 GGJJ帮我补补吧,(函数的值域和解析式的一切求法)我可一给你分的,不过 放弃的反义词失什么?GGJJ们,你们帮我想一下! 托福97分要不要复议是这样的,我托福作文这次只有21分.但是21分绝对不是我的水平.我上次托福作文28分.但我10月31号还要考托福的.请问一下要不要复议.同时复议要多长时间,我急着用分. 请语文大师帮我看下,这是我自己写得作文,请帮我点评一下,如果你是老师,60分的作文你给多少分,题目为我最想要的 可否帮我算一下四级分...快速阅读错一个 听力错两个 深度阅读没错 完型(Cloze)错三个 翻译错两个 作文按一般的算,这大概能得多少分呢. 我报了新感念3的补习班 我需要考托福 学完新3之后能自学托福么?我报了新感念3的补习班 我需要考托福 学完新3之后能自学托福么?学完新3以后 托福大概能考多少分?还有 托福怎么备考?