
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/27 19:09:15


Kremlin 例句 They could see the Kremlin quite clearly from where they lied.他们住的地方可以很清楚地看到克里姆林宫.In the Kremlin,the rulership by committee will bring more jockeying for power.克里姆林宫中的政治局委员会统治将带来更多的权力斗争.The satellite provide a video link between the white house and the kremlin.该卫星提供了在白宫和克里姆林宫之间进行电视通讯联系的渠道.Putin contributed to the work with extensive interviews to Blotsky.克里姆林宫对布洛特斯基大开绿灯,方便他个人更多地接触普京.They have a solid record of calling their shots accurately in the dark practice of Kremlinology.在暗中摸索克里姆林宫行动中,他们的预测有每发必中的良好记录.