
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/04 12:43:52


A great number of senior tennis players believed that he was able to make some earth-shattering achievements,when he was only nineteen.His play action is near-perfect and his mental is high quality.Everytime opponents impasse,he is always dispassionate and never say die.In this way can he break through the impasse,and gradually break down the opponent's will.Yet,the reason I am favor of him is not just because he play so well,but also because of his behavior.He is a gentleman,modest and friendly.He and his girlfriend have been dating for nine years.When his matches come,his girlfriend is always accompanied or so.Now they are married and get two little girls.May them a happiness life!

when he was 19 years old, he was favored by many predecessors tennis world men,he has the ability to make a big tennis scores. His playing movement near perfect, his quality in the heart is very high....


when he was 19 years old, he was favored by many predecessors tennis world men,he has the ability to make a big tennis scores. His playing movement near perfect, his quality in the heart is very high. When rivals into disrepute, he always ctively, not easily give up in life, can break through such despair, and gradually beat opponent . People who like him not because he plays well, but also because of his personality, he is a gentleman, amiable friendly. He and his girlfriend made nine-year courtship, whenever he game, his girlfriend always companions, now they are married and have two lovely daughter, wish them happiness!
我自己翻译的哦 楼主


英语翻译十九岁时他就被很多网坛前辈看好有能力在世界男子网坛做出一番惊天动地的成绩来.他的打球动作近乎完美,他的心里素质很高.当被对手逼入绝境时,他总是沉着应对,不会轻易言弃, 翻译:很多人都很看好他 记忆力下降怎么办我才十九岁.就在两年时间记忆力突然下降.有很多东西都记不住 他有很多书.英语翻译 英语翻译郁夫再次洒下渔网,希望多捕一些鱼.在他十九岁的时候.在他十九岁生日的时候打错了 前辈为什么这句英文有种族歧视?What are something you cant understand about Chinese people?回前辈的,没有,就这一句话,就看到很多老美说歧视 我看好你.英语翻译 用英语翻译“他有很多好的品质” 英语翻译一个人如果想做他喜欢的事情 就一定要做很多他不喜欢的事情 很多很多不一定要照着原文翻译,意思相近就行 英语翻译 平时对父亲就有很多意见 英语翻译issue好象意思有很多,常用的就行. 他改变了很多 英语翻译 英语翻译他有很多问题,其中一个是如何提高他的英语口语 英语翻译1.大约有200人出席了昨天的会议.2.他演讲时做很多手势. 曹先生告诉祥子看好曹宅,万一晚上有动静让他怎么做? 有精神的反义词类似就可以啊我就是写某人剪了短头发有精神,长头发时....aoshi408750727,大佬,你看好问题是反义词啊 考英语四六级听力时用普通收音机就成、是吗?希望有前辈可以推荐个型号、谢谢. 发乎情,和朋友讨论了好久.好像有很多解释.问一下前辈们.准确一点.