我怎么觉得Please put the book where it was这句话这么别扭呢?我觉得应该是Please put the book in where it was,要不put不是不及物动词吗,我觉得就是Please put the book in where it was,where it was作in的介词宾语,wh

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/07/04 10:52:06

我怎么觉得Please put the book where it was这句话这么别扭呢?
我觉得应该是Please put the book in where it was,要不put不是不及物动词吗,
我觉得就是Please put the book in where it was,where it was作in的介词宾语,where作it was的地点状语

put是及物动词没错,但是它后面不是跟了东西吗?the book就是put后面跟的东西.还有要记住,where是在这里关系副词,前面不能加介词的,就如,回家,go home,home在这里是副词,不加介词,不能说go to home,当然home前面要是加了具体的修饰词的话另当别论,如go to Tom's home,这里的home就只是名词
where 所引导的从句是整个句子的状语,而where在从句中是表语,不是状语,反正记住了,副词前不能有介词

你好,这里不能用介词in,因为这里的关联词where就是in which,可以转换成这样:Please put the book in which it was,就可以了!o(∩_∩)o...

Please put the book where it was.
Please put the book in which it was.
这两句都对,where前面不能加in,of,on之类的介词,但是这些介词可以和 which搭配连用

Please put the book in where it was - 更别扭呢,因为是错的
Please put the book where it was
Please put the book (back to) where it was